High Performance Headers for High Performance Cars

May 23


Adam Archer

Adam Archer

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Unlock the hidden potential of your engine with high-performance headers, boosting your horsepower by 20-30 over stock headers. The right choice of headers can significantly enhance your vehicle's performance, whether you're cruising around town or hitting the racetrack.



When it comes to maximizing your car's performance,High Performance Headers for High Performance Cars Articles upgrading to high-performance headers is a game-changer. These components can add an extra 20-30 horsepower to your engine, making a noticeable difference in how your vehicle performs. The type of headers you choose will depend on your specific needs and driving habits.

Short Tube Performance Headers

Ideal for Street Applications

Short tube headers are perfect for drivers who want to enhance their vehicle's performance for everyday driving. These headers are designed to improve torque, making your car more responsive and enjoyable to drive around town. Additionally, short tube headers can save 20-30 pounds off the front end of your vehicle, contributing to better weight distribution and handling.


  • Improved Torque: Short tube headers are designed to build torque, which is essential for street applications.
  • Weight Reduction: Shedding 20-30 pounds from the front end can improve your car's handling.
  • Ease of Installation: Generally easier to install compared to long tube headers.

Long Tube Performance Headers

Best for High RPM Applications

If you're a speed enthusiast who loves the thrill of high RPMs, long tube headers are the way to go. These headers are designed to provide more power across the entire RPM range, making them ideal for racing and high-performance driving. However, to fully benefit from long tube headers, you may need to upgrade your valvetrain and increase your rev limiter.


  • Increased Power: Long tube headers offer more power across the board, especially at high RPMs.
  • Enhanced Performance: Ideal for racing and high-performance applications.
  • Durability: Often made from high-quality materials to withstand extreme conditions.

Choosing the Right Headers

Factors to Consider

Selecting the right headers for your vehicle involves considering several factors, including your driving habits, vehicle type, and performance goals. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Driving Habits: Are you looking for better performance for daily driving or high-speed racing?
  • Vehicle Type: Different vehicles may require different types of headers for optimal performance.
  • Budget: High-performance headers can vary in price, so consider your budget when making a decision.

Manufacturer Support

Many reputable manufacturers offer a variety of headers to suit different needs. When shopping online, take advantage of tech support teams to help you choose the best headers for your vehicle. Websites like Summit Racing and Jegs offer extensive product lines and customer support to guide you through the selection process.

Pros and Cons

Short Tube Headers


  • Improved torque
  • Weight reduction
  • Easier installation


  • Limited high RPM performance

Long Tube Headers


  • Increased power across the RPM range
  • Ideal for high-performance applications
  • Durable construction


  • More complex installation
  • May require additional upgrades

Interesting Stats

  • Horsepower Gains: High-performance headers can add 20-30 horsepower to your engine, a significant boost over stock headers (Source).
  • Weight Reduction: Short tube headers can save 20-30 pounds off the front end of your vehicle, improving handling and performance (Source).
  • Market Growth: The global automotive exhaust system market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.2% from 2021 to 2028, driven by increasing demand for high-performance vehicles (Source).


Upgrading to high-performance headers is a surefire way to unlock your engine's potential. Whether you opt for short tube headers for improved torque and weight reduction or long tube headers for increased power across the RPM range, the benefits are undeniable. Make an informed decision based on your driving habits, vehicle type, and performance goals to get the most out of your investment.

By choosing the right headers, you'll not only enhance your vehicle's performance but also enjoy a more exhilarating driving experience.