10 Mobile Learning Trends to Adopt in 2020 – To Drive Employee Performance and Behavioral Change

Apr 20


asha pandey

asha pandey

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Discover how to enhance employee performance and drive behavioral change with these top mobile learning trends for 2020. This guide not only lists the trends but also offers practical tips on how to implement them effectively to maximize your training ROI.

Introduction to Mobile Learning

Mobile learning,10 Mobile Learning Trends to Adopt in 2020 – To Drive Employee Performance and Behavioral Change Articles or mLearning, has transformed the landscape of educational methodologies, particularly within the corporate sector. According to a survey by the Brandon Hall Group, mobile learning is now one of the top three business development priorities, only surpassed by the need for seamless business alignment and improved data mining capabilities. The flexibility and user control that mobile learning offers have made it a preferred method of learning across various industries.

The Rise of Mobile Learning

In 2020, the adoption of mobile learning has shifted from a nice-to-have to a must-have training option. As Learning and Development (L&D) teams increase their reliance on mobile platforms, understanding the evolving expectations of both learners and businesses becomes crucial.

What Modern Learners Want:

  1. Accessibility and control over their learning pace.
  2. Training that integrates seamlessly with their lifestyle.
  3. On-demand access to training materials.
  4. A blend of formal and informal training resources.

What Businesses Expect:

  • A measurable return on investment (ROI) from training.
  • Training that positively impacts key business performance indicators.

Key Mobile Learning Trends for 2020

Trend #1: Comprehensive Mobile Learning Adoption

Mobile learning is set to address a broad spectrum of corporate training needs. By offering training that is accessible across various devices, organizations can expect improved engagement and completion rates. For more insights, visit EI Design's Mobile Learning Solutions.

Trend #2: Varied Delivery Formats

Depending on the primary device used for learning, organizations can choose between:

  • Mobile-Friendly or Adaptive Mobile Learning: Ideal for content accessed across multiple types of devices.
  • Mobile-First or Responsive Mobile Learning: Best suited for content primarily accessed on smartphones.

Trend #3: Beyond Formal Training

Mobile learning is increasingly used to support informal learning, social learning, and on-the-job experiential learning. This approach not only supplements formal training but also supports performance improvement and behavioral change. Learn more about integrating mobile learning with formal training at EI Design's Learning Aids.

Trend #4: Mobile Apps for Learning

Mobile apps are becoming a popular medium for delivering personalized content and facilitating easy updates and notifications. They are particularly effective for significant training programs like sales and leadership development.

Trend #5: Personalization in Mobile Learning

Addressing the individual needs and interests of learners can significantly enhance engagement and effectiveness. Personalized mobile learning is especially beneficial for employees who are overwhelmed and seek relevant training that aligns with their career goals.

Trend #6: Emphasis on Microlearning

Microlearning techniques are ideal for creating learning pathways and specialized career pathways. They help reinforce learning, support its application on the job, and drive behavioral changes.

Trend #7: Immersive Learning Strategies

Innovative learning strategies such as gamification, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) are making learning experiences more engaging and effective. Combining these strategies can lead to highly immersive learning experiences.

Trend #8: Video and Interactive Video-Based Learning

Videos and interactive videos are powerful tools for increasing learner motivation and engagement. They are effective in various formats, including teaser videos, conceptual videos, and scenario-based learning videos. For examples, visit EI Design's Video Based Learning.

Trend #9: Fostering a Culture of Continuous Learning

Continuous learning cultures are supported by curating additional relevant content and encouraging self-directed learning. For strategies on creating such a culture, see EI Design's Self-Directed Learning Culture.

Trend #10: Enriching Knowledge Bases through User-Generated Content

Encouraging user-generated content helps keep the knowledge base current and relevant, promoting an ongoing learning environment.

Conclusion: The Impact of Mobile Learning Trends

Adopting these mobile learning trends can help organizations meet learner expectations, increase engagement, create effective learning experiences, and drive significant behavioral changes. According to a Skillsoft survey conducted in the Asia-Pacific region, 72% of participants reported increased engagement with mobile learning, and 70% felt more motivated when training on a mobile device compared to a computer (LearnDash).

By integrating these mobile learning trends, organizations can develop a robust L&D strategy that aligns with both business goals and employee needs. For further inquiries or personalized advice, feel free to contact EI Design.