Do You Want to Succeed in the Music Industry? Don’t Just Make Music!

May 17


James Fong

James Fong

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To truly thrive in the music industry, talent alone won't cut it. While creating great music and performing live are essential, they are just the tip of the iceberg. Success in this competitive field requires a multifaceted approach that includes strategic planning, marketing, and professional management.


The Changing Landscape of the Music Industry

In the past,Do You Want to Succeed in the Music Industry? Don’t Just Make Music! Articles aspiring musicians primarily focused on the creative aspects of their craft—writing songs, performing live, and sending demos to record labels in hopes of getting signed. However, this approach is now outdated and often leads to disappointment.

The Modern Musician's Toolkit

Today's successful musicians understand the importance of balancing creativity with business acumen. They actively engage in:

  • Promotion Design: Crafting effective marketing campaigns.
  • Audience Identification: Understanding and targeting the right audience.
  • Live Gig Conceptualization: Planning and executing memorable live performances.
  • Radio Play: Securing airplay to reach a broader audience.
  • Revenue Generation: Monetizing gigs and collecting royalties.

According to a 2022 report by Statista, the global music industry generated $23.1 billion in revenue, highlighting the immense potential for those who can navigate its complexities.

The Importance of Professional Management

Why You Need a Manager

If you can't rely on record labels or friends for support, consider hiring a professional manager. A manager can handle various aspects of your career, including:

  • Booking Shows: Securing performance opportunities.
  • Promotional Opportunities: Identifying and leveraging marketing channels.
  • Contract Review: Ensuring you get fair deals.
  • Tour Assistance: Managing logistics during tours.

Having a clear and solid agreement with your manager is crucial. Define their role and responsibilities to avoid misunderstandings.

Qualities of a Good Manager

Not everyone can be a good manager. Here are some key qualities to look for:

Passion for Your Music

Find someone who genuinely believes in your music and shares your passion. Collaboration is key in this industry.

Expertise and Experience

Your manager should have a proven track record and the expertise to help build your career. Set timelines to assess their performance. If they can't deliver, it might be time to look for someone else.


The music industry is highly competitive and challenging. A manager with extensive experience and a history of success can navigate these challenges effectively.

Interesting Stats You Might Not Know

  • Streaming Dominance: As of 2021, streaming accounted for 62.1% of global music industry revenue (IFPI).
  • Independent Artists: Independent artists' revenue grew by 27% in 2020, reaching $1.2 billion (MIDiA Research).
  • Live Music: The live music industry is expected to recover and grow to $31 billion by 2023 (PwC).


Success in the music industry requires more than just talent. It demands a strategic approach that includes effective promotion, audience engagement, and professional management. By understanding and leveraging these elements, you can significantly enhance your chances of making it big in this competitive field.

By focusing on both the creative and business aspects of your career, you can navigate the complexities of the music industry and achieve lasting success.