The New Way to Publish

Apr 17


Penny C. Sansevieri

Penny C. Sansevieri

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Discover the transformative world of print-on-demand (POD) publishing, a method that allows authors to print books as needed, eliminating the risk of unsold inventory. This innovative approach is reshaping the publishing landscape, offering a viable alternative to traditional and self-publishing routes by reducing upfront costs and keeping books perpetually in print.

Understanding Print-On-Demand Publishing

Print-on-demand has revolutionized the publishing industry by making it accessible and financially viable for more authors. Unlike traditional publishing,The New Way to Publish Articles which often requires large print runs, POD allows books to be printed individually as orders come in. This model significantly reduces the financial risk for new authors and keeps books available indefinitely.

Key Benefits of POD:

  • Low Initial Investment: Authors can publish a book with minimal upfront costs, typically ranging from $159 to $1,500.
  • No Inventory Required: Books are printed only when there is demand, so authors don’t need to worry about unsold stock.
  • Higher Royalty Rates: While traditional publishers offer royalties around 10-15%, POD royalties can be as high as 18-20% per book.
  • Long-term Availability: POD books remain in print without additional costs, ensuring that a book is always available for new readers to discover.

The Growth of POD Publishing

The POD industry has seen exponential growth. In 2001, approximately half a million books were printed via POD. By 2023, the industry is projected to reach a market size of $10 billion, according to a report by Grand View Research. This growth is driven by the increasing number of authors choosing POD for its flexibility and efficiency.

Industry Statistics:

  • Rapid Expansion: Some POD publishers are now releasing up to 500 titles per month.
  • Market Size: The POD market is expected to grow annually by 7.3% from 2020 to 2027.
  • Author Satisfaction: Surveys indicate high levels of satisfaction among authors who choose POD, particularly in terms of creative control and profitability.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite its advantages, POD publishing comes with its own set of challenges. One major issue is the perception of lower quality compared to traditionally published books. However, advances in printing technology have significantly improved the quality of POD books.

Key Challenges:

  • Market Perception: Some still view POD as a lesser form of publishing.
  • Higher Retail Prices: Due to the costs of individual printing, POD books can be more expensive than mass-produced ones.
  • Limited Return Policies: Most POD services do not allow returns, which can be a barrier when working with traditional bookstores.

Success Stories and Market Impact

POD has paved the way for numerous success stories. Books like "The Idiot Girls' Action Adventure Club" by Laurie Notaro, which started as a POD book, have made it to the New York Times bestseller list. These successes demonstrate that POD books can compete in the mainstream market.

Notable Achievements:

  • Bestsellers: Several POD books have achieved bestseller status, proving the model's viability.
  • Traditional Publishing Deals: Successful POD authors often attract attention from traditional publishers. For example, Kensington Books has partnered with iUniverse to consider any POD book that sells over 500 copies for traditional publication.

Choosing the Right POD Publisher

When selecting a POD service, authors should consider several factors to ensure the best fit for their needs. It’s important to compare services based on product quality, distribution channels, and royalty structures.

Tips for Selecting a POD Publisher:

  1. Evaluate Product Quality: Order sample books to assess print quality.
  2. Review Distribution Networks: Ensure the publisher can distribute books to major retailers and platforms.
  3. Understand the Royalty System: Compare royalty rates and payment structures.


Print-on-demand has opened new doors for authors worldwide, combining the benefits of self-publishing with the professional quality and distribution of traditional publishing. As the industry continues to evolve, POD stands out as a compelling choice for authors looking to maintain control over their publishing journey while minimizing financial risk.

For more insights into the publishing industry, consider visiting Publishers Weekly and Writer's Digest, both of which offer resources and updates on the latest trends in publishing.