5 Essential Tips Before Purchasing a Drone

May 17


Greg Mercer

Greg Mercer

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Thinking about buying a drone? Whether you're eyeing a high-end camera drone, a hobby-grade racing drone, or a simple toy drone, there are several crucial factors to consider. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to make an informed decision.



Before diving into the world of drones,5 Essential Tips Before Purchasing a Drone Articles it's essential to understand the key factors that will influence your purchase. From knowing where to buy and understanding airspace regulations to recognizing the different types of drones and joining the drone community, this guide covers it all. Equip yourself with the knowledge to make a smart purchase and enjoy a safe and rewarding flying experience.

Where to Buy Your Drone

When it comes to purchasing a drone, you have several options. For comprehensive reviews and recommendations, Drone Madness is a great resource. If you're looking for toy drones, Amazon offers a wide variety. For more specialized drones, consider checking out dedicated drone retailers like DJI or B&H Photo Video.

Top Online Stores for Drones

Store Name Specialization Website
Drone Madness Reviews and recommendations Drone Madness
Amazon Toy drones and general drones Amazon
DJI High-end camera drones DJI
B&H Photo Video Professional-grade drones B&H Photo Video

Stay Out of Trouble

Flying a drone comes with responsibilities. Understanding and adhering to airspace regulations is crucial to avoid legal issues and ensure safety.

Key Regulations for Drone Pilots

  • Register your drone with the FAA: All drones weighing more than 0.55 pounds must be registered.
  • Keep a safe distance from airports: Maintain at least five miles distance.
  • Altitude limit: Do not fly higher than 400 feet.
  • Respect privacy: Avoid flying over people without their permission.
  • Restricted areas: Do not fly in national parks, over government facilities, or private property.
  • Emergency situations: Stay clear of fires and crime scenes.
  • Interaction with law enforcement: Always be polite and cooperative.

For more detailed information, visit the FAA's official website.

Understanding Drone Acronyms: RTF, BNF, and ARF

When shopping for drones, you'll encounter terms like RTF, BNF, and ARF. Understanding these acronyms will help you choose the right drone for your needs.

RTF (Ready-To-Fly)

RTF drones come pre-assembled and require minimal setup. You might need to charge the battery or bind the controller, but that's about it.

BNF (Bind-To-Fly)

BNF drones are also pre-assembled but do not include a controller. You'll need to have a compatible controller or purchase one separately. Ensure that the transmitter and receiver use the same protocols to communicate.

ARF (Almost-Ready-To-Fly)

ARF drones are kits that require some assembly and additional components like ESCs, motors, batteries, and flight controllers. These are ideal for hobbyists who enjoy building and customizing their drones.

Flying a Drone is Easy – Crashing Them is Easier

While flying a drone is relatively straightforward, avoiding crashes requires some skill and knowledge. Even advanced drones like those from DJI need careful handling to prevent accidents.

Tips to Avoid Crashes

  • Start slow: Practice in open areas with minimal obstacles.
  • Understand controls: Familiarize yourself with the drone's controls and features.
  • Monitor battery life: Always keep an eye on battery levels to avoid sudden drops.
  • Use safety features: Utilize built-in safety features like obstacle avoidance and return-to-home functions.

Join the Drone Community

Being part of a drone community can provide valuable insights and support. Whether it's a local club or an online forum, engaging with other drone enthusiasts can enhance your flying experience.

Benefits of Joining a Drone Community

  • Knowledge sharing: Learn from experienced pilots and get answers to your questions.
  • Stay updated: Keep up with the latest trends, regulations, and technologies.
  • Networking: Connect with like-minded individuals and participate in events and competitions.

Popular online forums include DJI's official forum and Reddit's r/drones community.

Interesting Stats About Drones

  • Market Growth: The global drone market is expected to grow from $22.5 billion in 2020 to $42.8 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 13.8% (source).
  • FAA Registrations: As of 2021, there are over 1.7 million drones registered with the FAA in the United States (source).
  • Drone Usage: 74% of drone owners use their drones for photography and videography, making it the most popular use case (source).

By understanding these key aspects, you'll be well-prepared to make an informed decision and enjoy a safe and rewarding drone flying experience.