Easy Classical Guitar Songs

May 15


Ricky Sharples

Ricky Sharples

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Classical guitar captivates audiences with its rich, intricate sound, yet it remains an underappreciated instrument among new learners. This article explores a variety of easy classical guitar pieces to help you build a compelling repertoire, making your practice sessions both enjoyable and rewarding.


The Allure of Classical Guitar

Classical guitar is a mesmerizing instrument to master. The journey from struggling with finger placements to seamlessly playing bass,Easy Classical Guitar Songs Articles melody, and accompaniment is both challenging and fulfilling. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't take years to start playing easy classical guitar songs.

Overcoming Initial Challenges

One of the first hurdles for beginners is the noise produced by fingers moving along the neck of the guitar. This sound, often louder than the music itself, can be discouraging. However, with practice, you can minimize this noise by slightly lifting your fingers when changing positions. Additionally, experimenting with different strings can help reduce this issue.

Historical Context

In earlier centuries, what we now call classical guitar was the predominant style. Whether accompanying songs or playing instrumentals, the guitar inspired many composers to create pieces that are still enjoyed today.

Expanding Your Repertoire

You don't have to limit yourself to traditional classical pieces. Modern tunes have been adapted for classical guitar, offering a fresh take on contemporary music. For instance, classical guitar versions of The Beatles' songs have been popular for years. You can even find classical guitar arrangements of songs like "Stairway to Heaven" on YouTube, often accompanied by tabs for easier learning.

Popular Easy Classical Guitar Songs

One of the most beloved easy classical guitar songs is "Blackbird" by The Beatles. It's a favorite among both players and audiences. However, there are numerous easy pieces from various musical periods that you can master within a few months of learning.

Recommended Anthologies

  • 50 Easy Classical Guitar Solos by Jerry Willard: This book features pieces from different musical eras, written in both standard notation and tab form.
  • Collections by Johann Sebastian Bach: Pieces like "Sarabande No. 1" and "Musette in D Major" are surprisingly accessible for beginners.
  • Anonymous Pieces: Well-known pieces like "Packington's Pound," "Nonesuch," and "Kemp's Jig" are also great for beginners.

The Joy of Learning

The best part about learning easy classical guitar songs is that many of them are beginner-friendly yet immensely satisfying to play. These pieces offer a sense of accomplishment without being overly complex.

Interesting Stats

  • According to a study by Fender, 45% of new guitar players are women, a significant increase from previous years (Source: Fender).
  • The classical guitar market is expected to grow by 3.2% annually, reflecting a renewed interest in this timeless instrument (Source: Statista).


Classical guitar offers a unique blend of challenge and reward. By starting with easy classical guitar songs, you can quickly build a repertoire that will keep you motivated and engaged. Whether you're drawn to traditional pieces or modern adaptations, the classical guitar has something for everyone.

For more information on classical guitar techniques and repertoire, check out Classical Guitar Corner and This is Classical Guitar.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to easy classical guitar songs, offering both historical context and practical advice for beginners. With a mix of traditional and modern pieces, you'll find plenty of inspiration to keep your practice sessions enjoyable and rewarding.