An In-Depth Conversation with Kenneth Kahn, Author of The Carny Kid

May 15


Norm Goldman

Norm Goldman

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Summary: Norm Goldman, the editor of and, engages in a compelling interview with Kenneth Kahn, the author of The Carny Kid: Survival of a Young Thief. Kahn, who is also a successful criminal defense attorney and stand-up comic, shares his motivations, challenges, and inspirations behind writing his autobiography. This article delves into Kahn's journey, his advice for others from similar backgrounds, and his multifaceted career.



Norm Goldman,An In-Depth Conversation with Kenneth Kahn, Author of The Carny Kid Articles the editor of the book review and author interview site and the travel site, recently had the pleasure of interviewing Kenneth Kahn, the author of The Carny Kid: Survival of a Young Thief. Kahn is not only an accomplished author but also a prominent criminal defense attorney in Los Angeles and a stand-up comedian.

Author: Kenneth KahnISBN: 0976111500

The Interview

The Motivation Behind Writing The Carny Kid

Norm: Ken, what inspired you to write an autobiography?

Ken: Initially, I was reluctant to write about my early life. I spent much of my adult life concealing my background, fearing judgment. I was highly mobile and upwardly mobile, striving to make something of myself in society. It wasn't until I gained confidence in who I was that I felt ready to share my story.

Overcoming Challenges in Writing

Norm: What obstacles did you face while writing The Carny Kid and how did you overcome them?

Ken: The biggest challenge was maintaining the discipline to write every day. The story was in my head, but sitting down to write it in its entirety was daunting. I had made several attempts in the past, but committing to write daily was the most significant hurdle.

Target Audience

Norm: Did you have a specific audience in mind while writing your book?

Ken: I wrote the book primarily to get my story off my chest. I hoped it would inspire people from similar backgrounds, particularly those with less-than-ideal parents. I also aimed to resonate with people who grew up in the 1950s and faced their own struggles.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Norm: What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

Ken: My greatest strength is my perseverance. I never give up, no matter the odds. In my law practice, I often find myself against the district attorney, the police department, and their investigators, but I remain undeterred. My weakness is my impulsiveness. I tend to act on a whim, which can lead to both exciting and challenging situations.

Inspirational Authors

Norm: Who are your favorite authors, and why do they inspire you?

Ken: Herman Hesse is my favorite author. His works, especially Siddhartha, had a profound impact on me. J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye and Joseph Heller's Catch-22 also influenced me significantly. I also admire Mark Twain for his wit and insightful speeches.

Advice for Others

Norm: What advice would you give to individuals from similar backgrounds?

Ken: It's crucial to understand that you are not a victim of your circumstances. Regardless of financial or social challenges, you have the power to direct your life. No external force can deter you from achieving your goals.

Stand-Up Comedy

Norm: How did you get into stand-up comedy, and what keeps you going?

Ken: My comedy career began after a near-death experience in court when a client stabbed me with an ice pick. This incident made me realize my mortality and pushed me to pursue my long-held fantasy of doing stand-up comedy. I attended a workshop and discovered my talent for it. I keep copious notes and develop routines from various ideas and situations.

Utilizing the Internet

Norm: How have you leveraged the Internet to boost your career?

Ken: I hired Brad Butler, a brilliant web researcher, to handle my online presence. Although I'm not tech-savvy, I recognize the Internet's power and reach. Brad has been instrumental in developing my connections and gaining exposure online.

Unique Marketing Strategies

Norm: Do you have any unique marketing strategies for your book?

Ken: I plan to sell my book door-to-door, much like encyclopedias were sold in the past. This personal approach allows me to connect directly with readers.

Final Thoughts

Norm: Is there anything else you'd like to share with our readers?

Ken: I would love to hear feedback from readers. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as we prepare for another printing of the book. Readers can reach me via email at or through Brad at


Kenneth Kahn's journey from a young thief to a successful attorney and author is both inspiring and enlightening. His story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and self-belief. For more insights and reviews, visit and


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