Vampire Vic by Harris Gray: A Unique Take on the Vampire Genre

May 17


Tracee Gleichner

Tracee Gleichner

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Discover the intriguing world of "Vampire Vic" by Harris Gray, a novel that takes a fresh and humorous approach to the vampire mythos. Follow the virtual book tour from May 6 through July 26, 2013, hosted by Pump Up Your Book, and delve into the life of Victor Thetherson, an unlikely vampire who struggles with his new identity.



Would you trade donuts for blood? Victor Thetherson,Vampire Vic by Harris Gray: A Unique Take on the Vampire Genre Articles a portly and balding accountant, thought becoming a vampire would revolutionize his mundane life. However, Victor's aversion to confrontation and queasiness at the sight of blood lead him to source his sustenance from the blood bank, diluted in Bloody Marys. This results in a vampire who doesn't bite and a man who garners no respect.

The Unlikely Vampire

Victor Thetherson's transformation into a vampire is far from the glamorous metamorphosis often depicted in popular culture. Instead of becoming a suave and powerful creature of the night, Victor remains a timid and unassertive individual. His colleagues mockingly dub him "Vampire Vic," and his boss finds amusement in belittling him. Even his ex-wife manipulates him into staying out late while she entertains her boyfriends in the house they still share.

The Turning Point

One fateful night, Victor's frustration reaches a boiling point, and he finally bites someone. This act of defiance marks the beginning of a significant transformation. As Victor continues to feed on human blood, he undergoes a physical and psychological metamorphosis. His once flabby physique becomes muscular, and his thinning hairline starts to fill in. Victor revels in the newfound respect and attention he receives both at work and at home.

The Cost of Power

However, with great power comes great responsibility. Real vampires are hunted, and Victor soon finds himself facing the consequences of his actions. As his transformation reaches its peak, Victor must make a crucial decision: how much is he willing to sacrifice for the power and respect he has always desired?

Interesting Stats and Facts

  • Vampire Literature Popularity: The vampire genre has seen a significant rise in popularity over the years. According to a study by the University of Sheffield, the number of vampire-themed books published annually increased by 600% between 2000 and 2010 (source).
  • Blood Bank Usage: In the United States, approximately 36,000 units of red blood cells are needed every day (source). Victor's reliance on blood banks highlights the importance of blood donation in real life.
  • Workplace Bullying: A survey by the Workplace Bullying Institute found that 19% of Americans have experienced workplace bullying, with 61% of bullies being bosses (source). Victor's experiences with his boss reflect a common issue faced by many employees.


"Vampire Vic" by Harris Gray offers a unique and humorous take on the vampire genre, blending elements of dark comedy with a compelling narrative about personal transformation and the quest for respect. Victor Thetherson's journey from a timid accountant to a powerful vampire is both entertaining and thought-provoking, making it a must-read for fans of unconventional vampire stories.

For more information on the virtual book tour and to explore the world of "Vampire Vic," visit Pump Up Your Book.

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