A Treat That Never Seems Too Cheesy

May 20


Sunny Sharma

Sunny Sharma

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Who can resist a delightful slice or chunk of cheese? This breakfast staple has a history so ancient that pinpointing its exact origins is nearly impossible. Cheese, with its rich flavors and nutritional benefits, has become a beloved treat worldwide. This article delves into the fascinating history of cheese, its production, and its significance in modern cuisine, particularly focusing on India's dairy giant, Amul.


The Ancient Origins of Cheese

Cheese has been a part of human diet for thousands of years. Its origins are believed to date back to ancient Middle East,A Treat That Never Seems Too Cheesy Articles Europe, and Central Asia. The discovery of cheese likely occurred by accident when fresh milk was transported in the stomachs of animals like sheep, goats, cows, and buffaloes. In an era without refrigeration, cheese became a crucial method for preserving milk.

The Etymology of Cheese

The word "cheese" comes from the Latin word "caseus," which traces back to the Proto-Indo-European root "kwat," meaning to ferment or become sour. This etymology reflects the process of cheese-making, where milk is fermented to create this delicious product.

The Evolution of Cheese Production

The first mass production of cheese began in Switzerland in 1815. The Swiss pioneered the art of large-scale cheese-making, setting up the first cheese factory. This innovation led to the industrial cheese production revolution, with scientists discovering methods to produce rennet in large quantities. The advent of pasteurization further enhanced cheese safety, reducing the risk of diseases like tuberculosis and salmonellosis.

Processed Cheese: A Modern Marvel

The American industrial food revolution introduced processed cheese, a blend of natural cheese with milk, emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavoring, and coloring. This inexpensive and easily meltable cheese quickly gained popularity. Today, processed cheese and its derivatives, such as cheese slices, cubes, and spreads, are consumed more than natural cheeses globally.

Amul: India's Dairy Powerhouse

Amul, India's largest cooperative movement, has played a pivotal role in making India the world's largest milk producer. Over 15 million milk producers contribute to 144,500 dairy cooperative societies across India. This milk is processed in 184 District Co-operative Unions and marketed by 22 State Marketing Federations. Amul's model has empowered millions of dairy farmers, providing them with a sustainable livelihood.

Amul's Cheese Offerings

Amul offers a diverse range of cheese products in India, including:

  • Processed Cheese: Available in blocks, cubes, slices, tins, and chiplets. It's a versatile ingredient, perfect for various dishes and snacks.
  • European Cheeses: Amul also produces cheeses like Emmental and Gouda, catering to refined palates and making international cheeses accessible in India.

Nutritional Value of Amul Cheese

Amul cheese is not only delicious but also nutritious. For instance, Amul Cheese Cubes contain 26% good fats, 45% moisture, 20% protein, and only 2.5% added salts, making it a wholesome choice.

The Creamy Delight: Fresh and Whipped Cream

Cream, a dairy product made from the higher-butterfat layer skimmed from milk, has been enjoyed since ancient times. The origins of cream can be traced back to ancient China, where a cream-like food was first eaten between 618-97 AD. Whipped cream, made using nitrous oxide, was invented in the early 1930s by Charles Getz and Marshall Reinecke.

Making Cream at Home

Cream can be easily made at home by skimming the higher-butterfat layer from un-homogenized milk. In industrial production, centrifuges called separators accelerate this process.

Amul's Cream Products

Amul offers a variety of cream products, including:

  • Fresh Cream
  • Whipped Cream
  • Low-Fat Cream
  • Cream Cheese Spreads

These products are available in convenient packaging, from 200 ml boxes to 1-liter tetra packs, catering to both individual and commercial needs.

The Iconic Amul Butter

"Utterly, butterly, delicious Amul." This iconic slogan has made Amul Butter a household name in India. Amul Butter is a staple in Indian kitchens, from humble homes to luxurious hotels. It is made of pure milk fat and is available in various forms, including salted, unsalted, garlic, and even chocolate spread.

Nutritional Value of Amul Butter

Amul Butter contains 80% milk fat, 16% moisture, 3% salt, and 1% curd, making it a healthy choice when consumed in moderation.

Versatile Uses of Amul Butter

Amul Butter enhances the taste of various dishes, from simple toast to rich gravies and soups. It is a healthier alternative to refined oil and adds a unique flavor to any dish.

Amul's Global Impact

Amul Butter has not only dominated the Indian market but also made its mark internationally. Amul products are now available across the Indian sub-continent, the Middle East, South East Asia, the Americas, and Australasia. This global presence is a testament to the quality and popularity of Amul products.

The Iconic Amul Advertising Campaign

The Amul Butter advertising campaign, featuring the adorable Amul Butter girl and the catchy "utterly butterly delicious" jingle, is one of the longest-running and most successful advertising campaigns in history. It has played a significant role in making Amul a beloved brand in India and beyond.


Cheese, cream, and butter are not just food items; they are integral parts of our culinary culture. Amul, with its wide range of dairy products, has made these delights accessible to millions. Whether it's a slice of cheese, a dollop of cream, or a spread of butter, Amul ensures that every bite is a treat.

Interesting Stats

  • India is the largest milk producer in the world, with an annual production of 187.7 million metric tons in 2018-19 (source).
  • Amul's advertising campaign featuring the Amul Butter girl has been running since 1966, making it one of the longest-running ad campaigns in the world (source).

By understanding the rich history and modern significance of these dairy products, we can appreciate the role they play in our daily lives and the efforts of companies like Amul in bringing them to our tables.