The Feng Shui Philosophy Behind Phuket's Vista del Mar Residences

Apr 10




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Discover how the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui is being applied to modern living at Vista del Mar in Phuket, Thailand. With claims of promoting health, wealth, and happiness, this development is attracting attention for its unique approach to design and architecture. But is there more to it than just superstition? Let's delve into the specifics and see how feng shui principles are shaping the way people live in this tropical paradise.

The Allure of Feng Shui in Modern Residences

Feng shui,The Feng Shui Philosophy Behind Phuket's Vista del Mar Residences Articles the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing individuals with their surrounding environment, has been a guiding principle for building and interior design for centuries. Its influence has reached global proportions, with many in the West adopting its practices in the hopes of enhancing their quality of life. Notable figures like Sir Geoffrey Boycott, the esteemed cricketer, have even attributed their well-being to feng shui, with Boycott crediting it for his cancer recovery. As he once stated, "People who don't know anything about it say it is rubbish, but it worked for me – I'm alive!"

The Vista del Mar's Feng Shui Foundations

The Vista del Mar development in Phuket, Thailand, is a prime example of feng shui's application in modern real estate. The developers claim that their villas are designed with perfect feng shui in mind, aiming to bring prosperity and positive energy to their residents. Here are some key aspects of how Vista del Mar incorporates feng shui principles:

Spacious and Harmonious Living

  • Chi Flow: The villas are strategically placed on plots ranging from 400m2 to 810m2, ensuring ample space for the flow of chi, or life force energy.
  • Ming Tang: Each villa boasts an open sea view at the front and a mountain at the back, creating a harmonious balance between different natural elements.

Entrance and Energy

  • Doorways: Wide doorways are a staple at Vista del Mar, designed to invite positive energy into the home.
  • Water Features: Flanking the entrance, water features are installed to enhance the flow of energy into the villa.

Garden Elements

  • Five Elements: The gardens incorporate the five feng shui elements: water, wood, fire, earth, and metal, to create a balanced and vibrant outdoor space.
  • Plant Choices: Strong plants like bamboo are used to symbolize youth and good fortune, while a barbecue area adds the fire and metal elements, doubling as a social hub.

Interior Design and Well-being

  • Kitchen Layout: The heart of the home, the kitchen, is designed to be simple and uncluttered, with built-in appliances and a central island for a clear view of the entrance.
  • Bedroom Placement: Bedrooms are positioned next to the living room, avoiding the 'death position' by not facing the door, and are oriented to capture the calming western sunlight.

Bathroom Prosperity

  • Natural Light: Skylights and large windows are key features, especially in the master suite, where a Jacuzzi under a skylight promotes a sense of well-being.

Customization and Personalization

Vista del Mar goes beyond standard feng shui practices by offering personalized home designs that align with the individual's unique feng shui profile. This bespoke approach aims to maximize the potential for health, wealth, and happiness for each resident.

Feng Shui in Numbers: A Global Trend

While feng shui might seem like a niche interest, its global impact is significant. According to the International Feng Shui Guild, the number of feng shui practitioners and enthusiasts has been steadily increasing worldwide. In the United States alone, the number of feng shui consultants listed in the Feng Shui Directory has grown by over 50% in the past decade.

Furthermore, a survey conducted by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate found that over 86% of Chinese-Americans consider feng shui in their real estate decisions, highlighting the cultural importance and market influence of this ancient practice.


The Vista del Mar development in Phuket is a testament to the enduring appeal of feng shui. Whether you're a firm believer or a curious skeptic, the principles of feng shui offer an intriguing lens through which to view property design and personal well-being. For those interested in exploring the Vista del Mar residences, further information is available upon request.

For more insights into the world of feng shui and its application in modern living, you can visit the International Feng Shui Guild or explore the Feng Shui Directory for resources and professionals in the field.

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