Mastering the Use of "Robots" Meta Tags for SEO

Apr 11


Stephani Richardson

Stephani Richardson

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Optimizing your website for search engines involves a myriad of techniques, one of which includes the strategic use of "robots" meta tags. These HTML snippets are crucial for guiding search engine crawlers on how to process pages on your site. Understanding and implementing the correct "robots" meta tags can significantly impact your site's visibility and user privacy. Let's delve into the specifics of these tags, their functions, and best practices for their use, backed by the latest data and expert insights.

Understanding "Robots" Meta Tags

"Robots" meta tags are directives placed within the HTML code of a webpage that communicate with search engine crawlers,Mastering the Use of also known as robots or spiders, about how to index and interact with the page. These tags can control whether a page is indexed, and whether the links on the page are followed.

The Four Primary "Robots" Meta Tag Directives

  1. index,follow: This directive is the default for most search engines, signaling that the page should be indexed and the links on the page should be followed.
  2. noindex,follow: This tells search engines not to index the page but to follow the links on it, which can be useful for pages like privacy policies.
  3. index,nofollow: This allows the page to be indexed but instructs search engines not to follow its links.
  4. noindex,nofollow: This prevents the page from being indexed and stops search engines from following any links on it.

Placement of "Robots" Meta Tags

The "robots" meta tag should be included within the <head> section of your HTML document, ensuring it's one of the first elements search engine crawlers encounter.

<title>Your Page Title</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="keyword1,keyword2">
<meta name="description" content="Brief description of your page">
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow">
<!-- Your webpage content goes here -->

Additional "Robots" Meta Tags

Beyond the basic directives, there are additional tags for more specific instructions:

  • noarchive: Prevents search engines from storing a cached copy of the page.
  • nosnippet: Stops search engines from displaying a snippet of the page in search results.
  • noimageindex: Instructs search engines not to index images on the page.

For Google-specific directives, you can replace "robots" with "googlebot" in the meta tag name to target Google's crawler specifically.

Misconceptions and Misuses of "Robots" Tags

There are common misconceptions about "robots" tags that need to be addressed:

  • The googlebot tag specifying "index,follow" is redundant since Google's default behavior is to index and follow links. Google's web crawler documentation confirms that only noindex, nofollow, or noarchive tags are necessary when you want to restrict Google's actions.
  • The revisit-after tag, which suggests a timeframe for search engine crawlers to return, is not recognized by major search engines and has no impact on crawl frequency.

The Importance of Correct "Robots" Tag Usage

Incorrect usage of "robots" tags can lead to unintended indexing and privacy issues. For instance, a page containing sensitive information should use a noindex directive to prevent it from appearing in search results. Conversely, omitting nofollow on links to untrusted content could inadvertently pass on ranking credit.

Interesting Stats and Facts

  • As of 2021, Google holds over 92% of the global search engine market share, making its crawler behavior particularly influential for SEO strategies StatCounter.
  • A study by Ahrefs found that over 60% of web pages in their content index are not being picked up by Google, highlighting the potential impact of incorrect "robots" tag usage Ahrefs.


The proper use of "robots" meta tags is a fundamental aspect of SEO that can dictate a webpage's visibility and interaction with search engine crawlers. By adhering to best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, webmasters can ensure their content is indexed appropriately and that their site's link structure is respected by search engines. For more information on web robots and their functions, visit the Web Robots Pages.