Creating a Family-Friendly Business: Part 1

May 20


Cynthia Fox

Cynthia Fox

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Following my passion for handcrafting candles and soaps has taken a new turn. I am now focusing on combining my love for these crafts with a commitment to exceptional customer service and business growth, all while creating a family-friendly work environment. This means providing on-site care and mentoring for employees' children, ensuring that parents can work without compromising their relationship with their kids.


The Vision: A Family-Friendly Workplace

My goal is to hire staff who genuinely care about children,Creating a Family-Friendly Business: Part 1 Articles not just to fill a position. This will allow mothers to take breaks to nurse their children or attend to their needs, even enjoying lunch together. I would be thrilled if couples decided to work here, but I am particularly concerned about single mothers who struggle to find affordable, consistent childcare that truly prioritizes their children's well-being.

The Struggles of Single Mothers

Single mothers often face significant challenges in balancing work and childcare. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2020, there were approximately 15.31 million single mothers in the United States, many of whom struggle to find reliable and affordable childcare (source). The separation of families due to work commitments is a concern that deeply affects me. I come from a background where mothers were the primary caregivers, and I believe that this role is fulfilling and crucial.

The Benefits of On-Site Childcare

Even couples face difficulties when it comes to balancing work and childcare. The cost of childcare is a significant hurdle. According to Child Care Aware of America, the average annual cost of childcare in the U.S. ranges from $9,100 to $9,600 per child (source). I believe that having on-site childcare will not hamper sales or production; rather, it will boost them. Employees will have peace of mind knowing their children are nearby and in excellent hands, allowing them to take breaks and spend time with their kids.

Inspiration and Encouragement

I was greatly inspired by Sandy Maine, the owner of Sunfeather Soap Company. In her book, "Creating An Herbal Body Care Business," she discusses the concept of a family-friendly business. While she may not go as far as I plan to, her ideas encouraged me to dream big and pursue this vision.

Addressing Different Needs

Of course, there are those who work to get a break from their kids, whether due to stress or other reasons. It's essential to recognize and accommodate different needs and preferences within the workplace.

Looking Ahead

I am confident that this family-friendly business model will work. Watch and see as we create a supportive environment for both employees and their children. Stay tuned for Part 2, where I will delve deeper into the implementation and benefits of this approach.

For more information and updates, you can visit and sign up online at The Lighted Garden.


Combining a passion for handcrafting candles and soaps with a commitment to exceptional customer service, this article explores the vision of creating a family-friendly business. By providing on-site childcare and mentoring, the goal is to support working parents, particularly single mothers, and enhance employee well-being and productivity. Inspired by Sandy Maine's Sunfeather Soap Company, this approach aims to create a supportive and fulfilling work environment. Stay tuned for Part 2.