Menstrual Products for the Frugal, Ecologically-Conscious Woman

May 20


Julia Schopick

Julia Schopick

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Did you know that the average woman spends around $4.00 monthly on menstrual products? Over a lifetime, from ages 12 to 52, this amounts to nearly $1,900! This article delves into the costs, environmental impact, and health considerations of menstrual products, offering insights into more sustainable and economical alternatives.


The Financial Burden of Menstrual Products

Conventional vs. Organic Products

The average woman spends approximately $4.00 per month on conventional menstrual products. Over a 40-year span,Menstrual Products for the Frugal, Ecologically-Conscious Woman Articles this totals around $1,900. However, for those opting for organic cotton tampons and pads, the costs rise significantly. Organic products, which are free from synthetic materials like rayon, cost about $5.50 per month, leading to a lifetime expenditure of approximately $2,600.

Health Concerns with Synthetic Products

Organic cotton products are often chosen to avoid potential health risks associated with synthetic materials. Synthetic tampons and pads have been linked to Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) and dioxin exposure. According to the National Institutes of Health, TSS is a rare but serious condition that can be life-threatening.

Environmental Impact of Disposable Menstrual Products

Waste Generation

The average woman uses nearly 12,000 disposable menstrual products in her lifetime. This generates a significant amount of waste. Whether flushed or thrown away, these products pose environmental challenges. Flushing them can clog sewer lines and disrupt water treatment plants. In fact, non-reusable menstrual products are responsible for 9 out of 10 plumbing issues in residential and commercial buildings.

Landfill Concerns

When disposed of in landfills, these products take years to biodegrade. Plastic tampon applicators, for instance, may take 300 to 500 years to decompose. This long decomposition period contributes to the growing problem of landfill waste.

The Sustainable Alternative: Reusable Menstrual Products

Menstrual Cups

Reusable menstrual cups, such as The Keeper, offer an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative. Made from natural rubber, The Keeper can last up to 10 years with proper care, costing an average of just 29 cents per month. Unlike tampons, menstrual cups can be worn for up to 12 hours, reducing the risk of TSS and eliminating dioxin exposure.

Reusable Menstrual Pads

For those who prefer non-insertable options, reusable menstrual pads like GladRags are an excellent choice. Made from organic cotton, these pads can be used for years, offering both environmental and financial benefits. Women can maintain a variety of reusable products to suit different needs throughout their menstrual cycle.


Reusable menstrual products are the most environmentally friendly option available. They not only reduce waste but also offer significant cost savings and health benefits. By making the switch to reusable options, women can contribute to a more sustainable future while taking care of their health and finances.

Interesting Stats

By choosing reusable menstrual products, women can make a significant impact on both their wallets and the planet.