Why Buying Car Insurance Online Could Be Costing You More

May 23


Terry Schierer

Terry Schierer

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In today's fast-paced world, convenience often comes at a premium. This is particularly true when it comes to purchasing car insurance online. While obtaining quotes from online platforms is quick and easy, it may not always be the most cost-effective option. Here's a detailed look at why you might be paying more for the convenience of online car insurance quotes.


The Hidden Costs of Online Car Insurance Quotes

The Convenience Trap

Online car insurance quote sites are designed to be fast and user-friendly. However,Why Buying Car Insurance Online Could Be Costing You More Articles this convenience can come at a significant cost. According to a study by J.D. Power, the average annual premium for car insurance purchased online is approximately $1,427, compared to $1,325 when purchased through a local agent (source). This difference may seem small, but it adds up over time.

The Role of Local Agents

Local insurance agents have the ability to offer more competitive rates. When you get multiple local agents to compete for your business, you are more likely to receive the lowest possible quote. This is because local agents have the flexibility to adjust rates and offer discounts that online platforms cannot match.

Why Online Quotes Are Higher

Most online car insurance quote sites are owned by the same insurance companies that employ local agents. These companies are unlikely to undercut their local agents by offering significantly lower rates online. The local agents are essential for the insurance companies' business models, and they won't risk losing them by offering cheaper online policies.

The Limitations of Online Systems

Online quote systems are automated and can only provide quotes based on the data inputted into them. They lack the nuanced understanding that a local agent can offer. For example, a local agent might be aware of specific discounts or special programs that are not available through online platforms.

The Power of Competition

The Importance of Local Competition

Local agents are authorized to cut rates and offer discounts to win your business. However, they are more likely to do so when they know they are competing against other local agents. Without this competition, you are less likely to receive the best possible rate.

The Hassle of Phone Quotes

Calling multiple local agents to get quotes can be time-consuming and frustrating. Agents are often busy, and you may end up playing phone tag. This inconvenience leads many people to settle for the first quote they receive, which is often not the best deal.

A Simple Solution

Leveraging Online Tools for Local Quotes

One effective strategy is to use online tools to request quotes from multiple local agents simultaneously. By filling out a single quote request form, you can have it sent to several local agents. These agents know they are competing against each other and are more likely to offer their best rates.

The Benefits of Local Agent Competition

When local agents know they are competing for your business, they are more motivated to offer competitive rates. This approach combines the convenience of online quote requests with the competitive pricing that only local agents can provide.


While buying car insurance online is convenient, it often comes at a higher cost. By leveraging the competitive nature of local agents, you can secure better rates and save money in the long run. Don't let the convenience of online quotes lead you to overpay for your car insurance.

Interesting Stats

  • Average Savings: Consumers who switch to local agents save an average of $102 annually on their car insurance premiums (source).
  • Customer Satisfaction: Local agents score higher in customer satisfaction, with a rating of 835 out of 1,000 compared to 815 for online platforms (source).

By understanding the dynamics of car insurance pricing and leveraging local competition, you can make more informed decisions and potentially save hundreds of dollars each year.