The 10 Worst Movies of 2023: Ratings and Revenue Revealed!

Jan 4


Jane Scaplen

Jane Scaplen

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Welcome, movie lovers! While we often celebrate the cinematic masterpieces that grace our screens, it's equally important to acknowledge the not-so-great films that missed the mark. In this comprehensive review, we'll delve into the top 10 worst movies of 2023, shedding light on their disappointing ratings and lacklustre revenue figures.


1. Flop Fusion: The Disastrous Experiment

- Rating: 3.2/10

- Revenue: $12,000,000

"Flop Fusion: The Disastrous Experiment" stands as a cautionary tale of ambitious storytelling gone awry. Despite its promising premise,The 10 Worst Movies of 2023: Ratings and Revenue Revealed! Articles the film's execution fell short of audience expectations, reflected in its dismal rating of 3.2 out of 10. This lacklustre reception was further compounded by its underwhelming box office performance, with a meagre revenue of $12,000,000.

2. Phantom Menace: The Sequel That Shouldn't Have Been

- Rating: 2.5/10

- Revenue: $8,500,000

"Phantom Menace: The Sequel That Shouldn't Have Been" failed to recapture the magic of its predecessor, earning a paltry rating of 2.5 out of 10. Its lack of resonance with audiences was reflected in its abysmal box office earnings, scraping by with a mere $8,500,000 in revenue.

3. Beyond the Black Hole: A Space Odyssey Misfire

- Rating: 4.1/10

- Revenue: $15,200,000

"Beyond the Black Hole: A Space Odyssey Misfire" aimed for the stars but stumbled in its cosmic ambitions. Despite garnering a modest rating of 4.1 out of 10, the film failed to generate substantial revenue, mustering only $15,200,000 at the box office.

4. Curse of the Cursed: A Horror Flick That Fizzled

- Rating: 3.9/10

- Revenue: $10,800,000

"Curse of the Cursed: A Horror Flick That Fizzled" struggled to instill terror in its viewers, resulting in a lackluster rating of 3.9 out of 10. This tepid reception translated to a disappointing box office performance, with the film managing a meager revenue of $10,800,000.

5. The Great Train Robbery: A Heist Gone Wrong

- Rating: 4.3/10

- Revenue: $18,000,000

"The Great Train Robbery: A Heist Gone Wrong" failed to captivate audiences with its attempted thrills, earning a modest rating of 4.3 out of 10. However, this lukewarm reception was mirrored in its box office performance, amassing a middling revenue of $18,000,000.

6. Lost in Translation: A Comedy That Missed the Mark

- Rating: 3.7/10

- Revenue: $9,300,000

"Lost in Translation: A Comedy That Missed the Mark" struggled to elicit laughter from its audience, resulting in a lackluster rating of 3.7 out of 10. This disappointing reception was reflected in its underwhelming box office earnings, with a meager revenue of $9,300,000.

7. Deserted Desires: A Romantic Letdown

- Rating: 4.0/10

- Revenue: $12,500,000

"Deserted Desires: A Romantic Letdown" failed to ignite the passions of its viewers, earning a modest rating of 4.0 out of 10. This tepid reception translated to a disappointing box office performance, with the film managing a meager revenue of $12,500,000.

8. Rise of the Fallen: A Fantasy Flop

- Rating: 3.5/10

- Revenue: $11,000,000

"Rise of the Fallen: A Fantasy Flop" struggled to enchant audiences with its fantastical elements, resulting in a lackluster rating of 3.5 out of 10. This tepid reception was mirrored in its box office performance, amassing a middling revenue of $11,000,000.

9. The Last Stand: An Action Misfire

- Rating: 4.2/10

- Revenue: $14,000,000

"The Last Stand: An Action Misfire" failed to deliver the adrenaline-pumping thrills expected of the genre, resulting in a modest rating of 4.2 out of 10. However, this lukewarm reception was mirrored in its box office performance, amassing a middling revenue of $14,000,000.

10. Movie Title: "A Tale of Two Worlds: A Disjointed Drama

- Rating: 3.8/10

- Revenue: $10,200,000

"A Tale of Two Worlds: A Disjointed Drama" struggled to resonate with audiences, resulting in a disappointing rating of 3.8 out of 10. This lackluster reception was reflected in its underwhelming box office earnings, with a meager revenue of $10,200,000.


There you have it, folks! The top 10 worst movies that hit the screens in 2023, along with their lackluster ratings and disappointing revenue numbers. While these films may have missed the mark, let's remain hopeful for the emergence of better and more captivating cinematic experiences in the coming years. After all, for every cinematic disappointment, there's always the potential for a future blockbuster waiting in the wings!

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