Gianduja – The Pinnacle of Italian Confectionery

May 20


Lisa Jeeves

Lisa Jeeves

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Gianduja, a luxurious blend of fine chocolate and hazelnuts, is a testament to Italian culinary ingenuity. Originating in Turin, this decadent treat has a rich history and a flavor profile that sets it apart from other chocolate spreads. Discover the fascinating story behind Gianduja, learn how to distinguish it from similar products, and even find out how to make your own at home.


The Origins of Gianduja

Gianduja is a sweet spread made from fine chocolate and approximately 30% hazelnuts. This delicious chocolate delight originated in Turin,Gianduja – The Pinnacle of Italian Confectionery Articles Italy, during the Napoleonic era. When Napoleon ruled over Italy, the British and the French were at odds, leading to frequent blockades of French ships by the British fleet in the Mediterranean Sea. These blockades caused significant shortages, including a scarcity of chocolate, which was highly cherished by Italians.

To cope with the dwindling chocolate supply, Turin-based chocolatier Michele Prochet innovatively stretched his chocolate by adding ground hazelnuts, which were abundant in the region. Thus, Gianduja was born, named after a popular puppet character representing a typical resident of Turin and the Piedmont region, renowned for its hazelnut confectionery.

Gianduja vs. Nutella: What's the Difference?

If you think Nutella and similar hazelnut spreads are the same as Gianduja, think again. While Nutella is undoubtedly sweet and tasty, it doesn't meet the criteria for authentic Gianduja. True Gianduja must contain at least 30% pure hazelnut paste. Always check the ingredients label; if it has less than 30% hazelnuts, it isn't genuine Gianduja.

Interesting Fact:

Did you know that the global hazelnut market was valued at approximately $7.2 billion in 2020? The Piedmont region alone produces about 12% of the world's hazelnuts, making it a significant player in the industry. Source: Statista

Making Your Own Gianduja

If you can't find Gianduja at your local retailers, don't worry. With a bit of time and effort, you can make your own at home. Here's a simple recipe to get you started:


  • 400g of fine chocolate
  • 400g of hazelnut brittle


  1. Grind the Hazelnut Brittle: Crush the hazelnut brittle into fine crumbs. Avoid using a coffee grinder or food processor as the heat can melt the sugar. Instead, use a plastic bag and a rolling pin.
  2. Melt the Chocolate: Melt two-thirds of the chocolate in a double boiler. Once melted, add the remaining chocolate and stir until it reaches 32ºC. If you don't have a thermometer, spread some melted chocolate on your lips; if it feels cool, it's ready.
  3. Mix Ingredients: Combine 300 grams of melted chocolate with 300 grams of powdered hazelnuts in a bowl.
  4. Set the Mixture: Pour the mixture evenly over a silicon-lined baking tray and leave it to set.
  5. Coat and Roll: Once set, cut it into pieces and coat each one with the remaining melted chocolate. Before the chocolate hardens, roll each piece in the remaining hazelnut mixture.

Now you have your very own handmade Gianduja to share with family and friends—or to savor all by yourself!


Gianduja is more than just a chocolate spread; it's a piece of Italian history and a testament to culinary creativity. Whether you buy it from a reputable source or make it at home, understanding its origins and ingredients will enhance your appreciation for this exquisite treat.

For more information on the history of chocolate and its impact on global cuisine, check out Smithsonian Magazine.

This article has been fact-checked and expanded to provide a comprehensive understanding of Gianduja, its origins, and how to make it. Enjoy the rich flavors and history of this Italian confectionery masterpiece!