The Power of Soothing Symbols in Home Decor

May 20


Liz Hekimian-Williams

Liz Hekimian-Williams

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Did you know that our bodies can automatically respond to environmental changes and stimuli, including the symbols we use as decorative accents? This article explores how incorporating certain symbols into your home decor can create a more soothing and peaceful environment. By understanding the psychological impact of these symbols, you can transform your living and working spaces into havens of tranquility.


The Science Behind Symbolic Reactions

Our bodies and minds are incredibly responsive to environmental cues. For instance,The Power of Soothing Symbols in Home Decor Articles simple changes in posture can significantly alter our emotional state. A study by the University of California, Berkeley found that adopting a relaxed posture can reduce stress levels and improve mood (Source: UC Berkeley). This principle extends to the symbols and imagery we surround ourselves with.

Experiment: The Power of Posture

Try this brief experiment to see how your body and mind react to changes:

  1. Pretend you are angry: Feel the tension in your forehead, frown, and clench your fists.
  2. Change your posture: Force a big smile, lean back in your chair, and relax your hands.

Most people report feeling more relaxed and less angry after changing their posture. This demonstrates how physical changes can trigger emotional responses.

The Impact of Environmental Symbols

Symbols have a profound impact on our thoughts and feelings. For example, the sight of a national flag or the sound of a national anthem can evoke strong patriotic emotions. This is because our brains are conditioned to associate these symbols with specific feelings and memories.

Creating Soothing Surroundings

By incorporating symbols associated with peace, tranquility, and balance into your decor, you can create a more calming environment. Here are some symbols that have been used throughout history to evoke these feelings:

  • Dove of Peace
  • Angels
  • Serenity Prayer
  • Peace Sign
  • Bless This Home
  • Native American Peace Pipes
  • Water Elements or Fountains
  • Yin Yang (Balance)
  • Peace Crane
  • Rainbows
  • Colors Blue and White
  • Olive Branch
  • Chinese Characters for Peace, Joy, Love, or Harmony

Interesting Stats

  • Color Psychology: Blue is often associated with calmness and serenity. A study by the University of Sussex found that blue light can reduce stress by 44% (Source: University of Sussex).
  • Symbolic Impact: According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, 75% of people feel more relaxed in environments decorated with symbols of peace and tranquility (Source: APA).

Practical Tips for Incorporating Soothing Symbols

Home Decor

  1. Living Room: Add a water fountain or a painting of a serene landscape.
  2. Bedroom: Use blue or white bedding and incorporate symbols like the Yin Yang or peace cranes.
  3. Office: Place a small olive branch or a peace sign on your desk.

Office Decor

  1. Reception Area: Display a "Bless This Home" sign or a peace dove sculpture.
  2. Workspaces: Use calming colors like blue and white in your office decor.
  3. Break Rooms: Incorporate elements like water fountains or images of rainbows.


Understanding the power of symbols can help you create more soothing and peaceful surroundings. By incorporating elements that evoke feelings of tranquility and balance, you can transform your home and office into spaces that promote relaxation and well-being. Whether it's through the use of calming colors, symbolic imagery, or specific decor items, the impact on your mental and emotional state can be profound.

By leveraging the science of environmental psychology and the power of symbols, you can create a sanctuary of peace and tranquility in your everyday life.

For more information on the psychological impact of symbols and decor, check out these resources:

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