What Fear do you have to Start Your Business Internet Money Online Opportunity? Is it Fear itself?

Sep 7


Rodney Erb

Rodney Erb

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We all have been affected by the economic downturn in one way or another. Is there something holding you back from starting you business internet money online opportunity? Is it the fear you will fail? A bigger fear that should motivate you to get started today is that you may lose your job or fear of having your pay reduced. Don’t let fear stop you from starting your business for making internet money online but motivate you to begin now!

We all have been affected by the economic downturn in one way or another.  The biggest problem is the fear or panic we feel either for ourselves or for those around us that we may lose our job or fear of having to take a pay cut.  A recent national statistic of weekly hours worked has dropped from the standard 40 hours a week to 32.2 hours a week.   That equates to a significant loss in income.Our 33rd President said at his inaugural speech in 1933 during that era of economic depression and also again at a time of extreme concern and pressure as our nation was dragged into World War II in 1941,What Fear do you have to Start Your Business Internet Money Online Opportunity?  Is it Fear itself? Articles “All we have to fear is fear itself”.   These are such powerful words.  They can be applied to our lives in so many ways.  Don’t let fear stop you from starting your business for making internet money online.  Make it motivate you.  Right now while you have a job, diversify.  Try something new so you have a fallback position if you need it.  There is not a better way with the least amount of financial investment than starting your business internet money online opportunity.Here are five things you can do to overcome the fear to get started today to make you internet money online:1.    "Take a deep breath and dream” – when you do you will realize how lucky you are that you can breath and you can dream.  Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of our 33rd President cited above said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”. Breathe in the fresh air of your dreams and get motivated.2.    “Count your blessings" – see what the creator has done for you.  You are alive and were given another day above ground.  Use it to decide what you want to be and become it!3.    "Define what you like and want to share” – you have more ability in your little finger than you ever imagined.  You have things you like and want to do.  Define them and make that your path to success.  By defining your likes you can focus in on how you want to spend your time making money online!  If you like to exercise start affiliate marketing exercise equipment.  If you like movies, affiliate market DVDs! 4.    “Begin to study and learn" – whatever your likes are you need to become an expert at them or it.  It will be your passion and something you want to constantly study and learn more about.  You will zero in on a niche market that is there for you waiting for money to be made!5.    “Don’t sit back but start and do it” – you’ve taken deep breathes, dreamed what you want to do, are grateful for what you have and are ready to start.  So before you see that pink slip and are given a reason to panic, start your business internet money online opportunity today!Now is the time to begin this new adventure.  Nothing in life worth doing comes easily.  To be worth doing it has to have worth, i.e. investment of things like time, energy, effort, joy, passion, desire will produce worth.  Starting you business internet money online opportunity today will reap the rewards of job security and overcome your fears of tomorrow!If you want the best resource to teach you how to overcome your fear of “Affiliate Marketing” to your business internet money online opportunity go to 4-Day Money Making Blueprint OR go to SEM Business Blueprint.