Comparing Open and Enclosed Auto Transport

May 30


nancy suzan

nancy suzan

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Choosing the right method for shipping your car can be a daunting task. This article delves into the nuances of open and enclosed auto transport, providing you with the necessary information to make an informed decision. We will explore the pros and cons of each method, backed by statistics and expert opinions, to help you choose the best option for your vehicle.



Shipping a car can be a complex process,Comparing Open and Enclosed Auto Transport Articles but understanding the differences between open and enclosed auto transport can simplify your decision. Open transport is more affordable and widely used, while enclosed transport offers superior protection for high-value vehicles. This article breaks down the costs, risks, and benefits of each method, providing you with the insights needed to make the best choice for your car.

The Basics of Auto Transport

Auto transport services are essential for individuals and businesses needing to move vehicles over long distances. Whether relocating, purchasing a car from another state, or sending a vehicle to a customer, choosing the right transport method is crucial.

Open Auto Transport

Open auto transport is the most common and cost-effective method for shipping vehicles. In this method, cars are loaded onto an open trailer, which can carry multiple vehicles at once.

Advantages of Open Auto Transport

  1. Cost-Effective: Open transport is generally 30-40% cheaper than enclosed transport. According to uShip, the average cost of open transport ranges from $500 to $1,200, depending on the distance and vehicle size.
  2. Availability: With more open carriers on the road, scheduling is often more flexible and quicker.
  3. Efficiency: Open trailers can carry up to 10 vehicles at a time, making it a more efficient option for auto dealerships and manufacturers.

Disadvantages of Open Auto Transport

  1. Exposure to Elements: Vehicles are exposed to weather conditions, road debris, and potential damage.
  2. Security Risks: Higher risk of theft or vandalism due to the open nature of the trailer.

Enclosed Auto Transport

Enclosed auto transport involves shipping vehicles in a fully enclosed trailer, offering superior protection.

Advantages of Enclosed Auto Transport

  1. Protection: Vehicles are shielded from weather, road debris, and potential damage. This is particularly important for high-value, classic, or luxury cars.
  2. Security: Enclosed trailers offer better security against theft and vandalism.
  3. Peace of Mind: Owners of expensive or rare vehicles often prefer enclosed transport for the added peace of mind.

Disadvantages of Enclosed Auto Transport

  1. Cost: Enclosed transport can be 50-60% more expensive than open transport. According to Montway Auto Transport, the average cost ranges from $1,000 to $2,500.
  2. Limited Availability: Fewer enclosed carriers are available, which can lead to longer wait times for scheduling.

Interesting Statistics

  • Market Share: Open auto transport accounts for approximately 90% of all vehicle shipments in the U.S. (Statista).
  • Damage Rates: Vehicles shipped via open transport have a 5% higher chance of minor damage compared to enclosed transport (American Auto Shipping).
  • Customer Preference: 70% of customers shipping luxury or classic cars opt for enclosed transport (Hagerty).

Making the Right Choice

When deciding between open and enclosed auto transport, consider the following factors:

  1. Vehicle Value: High-value, classic, or luxury cars are better suited for enclosed transport.
  2. Budget: If cost is a primary concern, open transport is the more economical choice.
  3. Timing: Open transport offers more flexibility and quicker scheduling.
  4. Risk Tolerance: Assess your comfort level with potential exposure to elements and security risks.


Choosing the right auto transport method depends on your specific needs and circumstances. Open transport is a cost-effective and efficient option for most vehicles, while enclosed transport provides added protection and security for high-value cars. By understanding the pros and cons of each method, you can make an informed decision that ensures your vehicle arrives safely and on time.

For more information on auto transport options, visit uShip and Montway Auto Transport.