Exhaustion Leads to Truck Accident Attorney

May 30


Anna Woodward

Anna Woodward

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A truck accident attorney has to be called in often due to truckers' sleepiness leading to wrecks. Here are some things to think about.

Exhausted truckers zooming down the freeways often result in the need to call a truck accident attorney. Big rig operators have to cover lots of miles to get their cargo from Point A to Point B. These drivers are paid according to how fast and efficiently they can complete their missions. Suppliers want their goods delivered to customers as soon as humanly possible and customers want their products lickety split. In other words,Exhaustion Leads to Truck Accident Attorney Articles the pressure's on from all sides: from suppliers, buyers and the truck driver himself, as this worker has bills to pay and mouths to feed. Unfortunately, all those pedals to the metal can make rig operators so tired that they can hardly see straight. Seeing straight is rather important when you're behind the wheel of a gigantic vehicle. Not only is the driver's safety at risk, every car, motorcycle or SUV that passes by is at risk, too.

Some states, such as Texas, are trying to legislate some changes regarding this problem. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is upping the requirements and regulations regarding hours-of-service. Studies have proven that major causes of collisions are the tired truckers. The upgraded driving time regulations are meant to curtail extended time periods behind the wheel without rest.

Semis are also referred to by the names 18 wheelers, semi-trailers, big rigs and mack-trucks. These vehicles actually do have eighteen tires, hence the nickname. These trucks can carry a huge amount of cargo in weights ranging from fifty to one-hundred thousand pounds. In the past, trains were the only vehicles to haul so much freight, but trucks have taken over a lot of modern transportation needs. The benefit of trucks vs. trains is that they can travel on their own schedule on any number of roads rather than just sticking to railroads. These rigs haul a variety of goods across the nation including foods, animals, cars, and just about every item found on any store's shelves. There is a limit to how much freight each rig can carry in order to keep the truck safely balanced and not overloaded. Weighing stations are spaced along the highways to check on poundage and other safety concerns.

Truckers work hard for their money and may overlook their own wellbeing as well as endangering others on the road. Truck stops offering showers and casual dining can be helpful to provide these frequent travelers a bit of R&R. If each semi operator established healthy lifestyle patterns such as stopping regularly, getting out to stretch their legs, eat a meal or take a nap, the roads would be safer places for all concerned.

If a person has been injured due to a collision with a big rig driver, he or she may need to call in a truck accident attorney for advice. Being physically injured or having one's own vehicle smashed due to another's negligence is not fair. Receiving compensation for the accident can set the balance sheet right again as well as teach truckers to rest up and stay safe.