Essential Tips for Purchasing a Motorcycle Helmet

May 30


William Luce

William Luce

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Purchasing a motorcycle helmet is a critical decision that requires careful consideration. While it may not be as exhilarating as choosing a new bike, the importance of selecting the right helmet cannot be overstated. This guide will walk you through the key factors to consider, ensuring you make an informed and safe choice.


The Importance of a Motorcycle Helmet

Motorcycle helmets are not just accessories; they are life-saving devices. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),Essential Tips for Purchasing a Motorcycle Helmet Articles helmets saved an estimated 1,872 lives in 2017 alone. Moreover, helmets are 37% effective in preventing fatal injuries to motorcycle riders and 41% for motorcycle passengers (NHTSA).

Types of Motorcycle Helmets

Understanding the different types of helmets is crucial for making the right choice. Here are the three primary types:

Full-Face Helmets

Full-face helmets offer the highest level of protection, covering the entire head and face. They are particularly effective in protecting the chin and jaw, areas that account for 34.6% of motorcycle crash impacts (Hurt Report). While some riders find them claustrophobic, the safety benefits are significant.

Open-Face Helmets

Open-face helmets cover the top, back, and sides of the head but leave the face exposed. They offer more ventilation and a wider field of vision compared to full-face helmets. However, they provide less protection for the face and chin.


Half-helmets, also known as shorty helmets, cover only the top of the head. They are popular among cruiser and chopper riders. While they meet minimum safety standards, they offer the least protection, especially for the face and chin.

Key Safety Features

When selecting a helmet, safety should be your top priority. Here are the essential safety features to look for:

Safety Certifications

Ensure the helmet meets the safety standards of your country. In the United States, look for DOT (Department of Transportation) certification. In Europe, check for ECE (Economic Commission for Europe) certification. Helmets with Snell certification have undergone additional rigorous testing.

Retention System

The retention system, or chinstrap, is crucial for keeping the helmet securely on your head. Perform the "roll-off" test: fasten the chinstrap and try to roll the helmet off your head from the back. If it comes off, the helmet does not fit properly.

Fit and Comfort

A well-fitting helmet should be snug but not overly tight. It should not move independently of your head. Different brands have different sizing, so always try on multiple helmets. Wear the helmet for at least 15-20 minutes to ensure it remains comfortable over time.

Interior Padding

Comfortable interior padding can make a significant difference on long rides. Look for helmets with removable and washable liners. A good seal around the ears and a neck roll that fits snugly against the back of your head can also enhance comfort.

Additional Considerations


Proper ventilation is essential for comfort, especially on long rides. Look for helmets with adjustable vents that allow you to control airflow.


The weight of the helmet can affect comfort, especially on long rides. Full-face helmets tend to be heavier, but advancements in materials like carbon fiber have made them lighter without compromising safety.

Noise Reduction

Wind noise can be a significant issue, particularly at high speeds. Some helmets come with features designed to reduce noise, such as aerodynamic designs and padded ear sections.


Choosing the right motorcycle helmet is a decision that should not be rushed. By considering the type of helmet, safety features, fit, and additional factors like ventilation and weight, you can find a helmet that offers both protection and comfort. Remember, a good helmet is an investment in your safety.

For more detailed information on motorcycle helmet safety standards, you can visit the NHTSA and Snell Memorial Foundation.

Interesting Stats

  • Helmet Use: In 2019, 71% of motorcyclists in the United States wore DOT-compliant helmets (NHTSA).
  • Economic Impact: The economic cost savings from helmet use in the U.S. was approximately $3.5 billion in 2017 (CDC).
  • Injury Reduction: Helmets reduce the risk of head injury by 69% (WHO).

By taking the time to choose the right helmet, you are not only complying with safety standards but also significantly increasing your chances of surviving a crash. Stay safe and ride smart!
