Crafting an Understandable Privacy Policy: The KISS Principle

May 6


Rose DesRochers

Rose DesRochers

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Creating a privacy policy that is both comprehensive and comprehensible can significantly enhance user trust and compliance. The KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle advocates for simplicity to make your privacy policies more accessible to the general public. This approach not only aids in legal compliance but also fosters transparency and user confidence.


Why Simplify Your Privacy Policy?

Most privacy policies are penned in complex legal language that can be difficult for the average user to understand. A survey by the Pew Research Center reveals that 50% of Americans feel they do not have control over their personal information online,Crafting an Understandable Privacy Policy: The KISS Principle Articles partly due to the opaque nature of privacy policies. Simplifying these documents can demystify user rights and obligations, promoting a clearer understanding of what companies do with personal data.

Essential Elements of a User-Friendly Privacy Policy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Transforming your privacy policy into an FAQ format can make it more relatable and easier to navigate. Consider including questions such as:

  1. Do you sell my personal information to third parties?
  2. How do you secure my personal information?
  3. Why do you need my information, and why do I need to register?
  4. Do you collect information from children?
  5. What other information do you collect, and how is it used?
  6. What are my options to control the use of my personal information?
  7. What is a cookie?

Key Topics to Cover

When drafting your privacy policy, ensure it addresses the following key areas:

  1. Data Collection: Clearly state what information you collect.
  2. Data Usage: Specify if you save, share, or sell customer email addresses or other data.
  3. Cookie Usage: Explain what information is collected via cookies.
  4. Security Measures: Detail the steps taken to protect data from unauthorized access.
  5. COPPA Compliance: Include a statement regarding the collection of children's data, if applicable.
  6. Data Protection: Describe how you safeguard user privacy.
  7. Policy Updates: Outline how and when the policy may be updated.
  8. External Links: Clarify your stance on third-party links.
  9. Data Management: Explain how users can update or delete their information.
  10. Contact Information: Provide a way for users to contact you with privacy concerns.

Benefits of a Simplified Privacy Policy

A straightforward privacy policy can help users feel more in control of their personal information, potentially increasing their engagement and trust in your platform. According to a Deloitte study, 71% of respondents are more likely to do business with companies that offer easy-to-understand privacy policies.


In an era where data privacy is paramount, simplifying your privacy policy using the KISS principle is not just a legal necessity but a strategic advantage. It enhances transparency, builds trust, and ensures users are well-informed about their rights and your practices. As Shawn DesRochers, a web developer and owner of Invision Graphics, aptly puts it, keeping it simple can make a significant difference in how users perceive and interact with your privacy policy.

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