Who can add value to growth of your organization

Jul 2




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How long serving employees define the growth of the organization? Is the true definition of growth is not understood by many employees?


How to define the growth of a corporate?  More often than not,Who can add value to growth of your organization Articles the people who are working with the corporate for many years resist and complain to any change with the logic of how without all these, the organization was doing/growing well in the past?  They also spread the growth sheet and show how the organization has grown in leaps and bounds in the past with their hard work and commitment. 

Corporate and its employees need to know the abstract meaning of the word growth only then they stop misusing the word so liberally and casually. 

A seed sprout and then become a plant.  This is nothing but growth.  All most all the seeds could reach this growth in nature which is so natural and easily possible.   Every organization will find an easy space like this in market place in its early stage and people may conclude this phenomenon as growth.  This natural process suffers least competition or threat.

When a seed sprout/germinate, it only requires minimum moisture and natural support.  The nutrients already stored in the seed will support its early existence and hence its food need from nature doesn’t arise at this stage.  Hence all most all seeds sprout easily.  So is the growth of most organizations during its early days.  The entrepreneurial energy, steam and the financial support give growth to the corporate at this stage.  Once the stored food reserve in the seed gets exhausted, the sprouting has to learn the ability of getting it from soil.  It has to face the competition, withstand challenges and establish its continuous success and existence.  This is true for corporate also.  The exact period of the sprouting phase is difficult to define as far as corporate is concerned.  It can range from 3-7 years. 

The employees who refer the growth of the organization at the sprouting phase do not know the growth dynamics of corporate.  Such people cannot add any value or growth to the organization.  The distinction between the self supportive phase of growth and effort supportive phase of growth of corporate, every employee and the entrepreneur must be aware of. 

Even in the case of birds, egg yolk supports the early growth of the chick within the egg.  This effortless growth cannot be compared to competitive growth the bird has to face when hatched out.  Adaptive/competitive growth can be learned only during living.  To live means, one has to put in effort.  Even the effort need to be understood as well as its direction, righteousness, cost, time and end result.  The consequence of any default of such an effort also one needs to know.  

If the definition of growth is not clear and meaningful, creating growth to the organization becomes difficult or even impossible.  



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