3D Desktop Wallpapers: Attractive, Stylish and Fun
People love decorating their computer desktop background with attractive, stylish and fun wallpaper images. Some of the most popular type of desktop backgrounds are 3D images, while 2D images are considered to be outdated.
The Grand Canyon. A Hawaiian beach. An artist's futuristic rendering. Though different settings,
these are the types of images that are often found on computer desktops as decorative wallpaper. Such wallpapers are commonly available in 3D formats, which provide depth and detail compared to 2D wallpaper.
2D vs. 3D Wallpaper.2D wallpaper is considered by many to be outdated, but some still like the more rustic, older feel that 2D imaging helps provide. Examples of 2D wallpaper include wooden image backgrounds, stripes, fabric and brick imaging. 2D wallpapers are often simple and straight to the point. Conversely, 3D wallpapers provide much more depth and detail, which can help make your desktop background much more aesthetically appealing. For example, many are so detailed that you never get tired of looking at your desktop because each time you do, you notice something different. 3D wallpaper is common for cityscapes, panoramas, underwater scenery, animals, landscapes and futuristic artist renderings.
Resolutions.If you're downloading a 3D wallpaper, you're going to want to select the right resolution for your computer to maximize the aesthetics of the image. This isn't difficult, as wallpapers come in all types of different formats. For example, they often come in resolutions starting at 1024 x 768 and up to 5120 x 1600 for dual monitor computers. They're available in both widescreen and high definition formats and can even be made special just for the iPad, iPod and iPhone. Before downloading a 3D wallpaper, think of how you want it to look on your computer screen and select the option accordingly. If you don't like the appearance once you download it, you can always go back and download it in another resolution.
DIY.Although you can download 3D wallpapers from various websites for free, you may choose to create your own custom made wallpaper. This can be done with various software, some of the more common types being Adobe Photoshop, 3D Max, Maya and Blender. Creating wallpapers yourself can be a little bit tricky, but it's not hard to master if you have the right software as well as the time and patience to master the software and acquire the proper know-how. Another con to creating your own wallpapers is the cost associated with purchasing the software. For example, Photoshop can cost over $1,000, with additional fees in the hundreds for those that wish to upgrade their software as new versions become available. So if you're going to create your own desktop wallpapers, make sure you're willing to make the investment in the right equipment.