Basic Software Testing Techniques

Nov 16


Iryna Chernenko

Iryna Chernenko

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In addition to checking that it is possible to get the software to work properly, you are also making attempts to set the software up for a failure. This falsification of an application and ensuring it processes the incorrect data with the best possible method is sometimes overlooked. Some businesses don’t pay attention to this fact and suppose that their users will enter only valid data.


In addition to checking that it is possible to get the  software to work properly,Basic Software Testing Techniques Articles you are also making attempts to set the software up  for a failure. This falsification of an application and ensuring it processes the incorrect data with the best possible method is sometimes overlooked. Some businesses don’t pay attention to this fact and suppose that their users will enter only valid data.

Like a shirt, software has places where the parts come together and seams where the pieces are joined. Quite often, unexpected and unacceptable results occur because of seams in the software. These seams can take place where data is transferred from one function to another or where responsibilities are transferred from the hands of one developer to others.

In those cases when people misunderstand each other or do not fully discuss the expected results; their seams will not match exactly. If everyone makes a suggestion on how the other is performing their part of it, then everyone may assume wrong.

These software seams can cause potential errors and the software tester’s goal is to identify these places as areas for initial testing. The conversions of data are often occurred between these seams and without accurate testing the errors can be missed.

Developers involved in design are the best sources for identifying weak seams and often know of potentially failing test cases. Thanks to good communication, they can direct such cases in the testing department.

The software may be large and testing company crunched for resources and time that is unrealistic.  This can occur when software testing team is working poorly or when it tests the wrong areas.

If you run the same test cases every week, and they are skipped all the time, you have not been testing the software. To improve performance of the work you can use testing which is described below.

Each tester has an area or component assigned to him and is responsible for it. Testers break their components out into smaller pieces.  They work with these lists and then test them.

Each software tester is able to take one of these little units of his component and spend a few hours or days testing it. It creates a limited area so that the tester is not overwhelmed by functionality and can clear it from software bugs. It also pointed out holes in their test plans where they had missed areas of functionality by doing only verification.

Such type of focused software testing has many advantages:


  • It  lets testers to really own their area and to focus on individual  parts in order to understand better the specific functions

  • It allows the testers to gain experience and improve their skills by studying the  mechanics of the code

  • It also  provides an opportunity to track specific areas that have been tested and to ensure the  accuracy of testing

Undoubtedly, if the testers are pushed into a stymie and can’t continue their testing, they can consult with colleagues in order to find the solution of their problem and then to proceed testing.  This breakdown of testing is an example of the best method of division the things into small parts and very effective technique of training and testing.