Hollywood's Latest Misstep: An Excalibur Remake!

May 15


Big Chico

Big Chico

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Hollywood is at it again, and this time, it's a remake of the classic film "Excalibur." The news has left many fans of the original movie disheartened and questioning the industry's creative direction. Last month, we reported that prolific writer Warren Ellis was working on a script for The Hollywood Gang. Now, Bryan Singer has secured the rights to John Boorman’s iconic 1981 film, "Excalibur," and plans to remake it. What is happening to the sanctity of classic films?


The Original "Excalibur": A Timeless Classic

John Boorman's "Excalibur," released in 1981,Hollywood's Latest Misstep: An Excalibur Remake! Articles is widely regarded as the definitive cinematic adaptation of Sir Thomas Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur." The film is celebrated for its unique blend of fantasy, sexual tension, and metaphorical depth. Even today, viewers can discover new layers of meaning with each watch. The original "Excalibur" transcended the medium of film, becoming a rare fantasy movie that truly opened minds.

Why Remake a Classic?

The decision to remake "Excalibur" has left many fans and critics baffled. The original film's brilliance is something that cannot be easily replicated. Remaking such a classic is akin to attempting to redo "The Ten Commandments"—some films are simply untouchable. The intricate tapestry of fantasy and metaphor woven into the 1981 "Excalibur" is something that modern retellings often fail to capture.

The Current State of Hollywood

Variety reports that Warner Bros. is determined to bring a modern-day retelling of "Excalibur" to the big screen. This decision raises questions about Hollywood's current creative direction. Are there no original stories left to tell? Must we continually revisit and potentially ruin the classics of our childhood?

The Financial Aspect

Hollywood is currently facing a budget crunch, which makes the decision to invest in a remake even more perplexing. According to a report by Statista, the average production cost of a major studio film has skyrocketed over the years. With financial constraints, one would hope that studios would focus on original content rather than risking the legacy of beloved classics.

The Public's Reaction

The public reaction to the news has been overwhelmingly negative. Fans of the original "Excalibur" are vocal about their disapproval, questioning why Hollywood feels the need to remake a film that was already perfect in its own right. Social media platforms are flooded with comments and posts expressing disappointment and frustration.

Interesting Stats

  • According to a YouGov poll, 71% of Americans believe that Hollywood makes too many remakes and reboots.
  • The original "Excalibur" has a 79% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, indicating its lasting impact and critical acclaim.

The Future of the Remake

Bryan Singer has yet to decide if he will direct the remake, but the project is already being labeled a potential disaster. Fans are hoping that the budget constraints will lead to the project being shelved indefinitely. The call for original stories is louder than ever, and it's time for Hollywood to listen.


The decision to remake "Excalibur" is a contentious one, sparking debates about the sanctity of classic films and the current state of Hollywood creativity. While the industry faces financial challenges, the focus should be on original content rather than rehashing beloved classics. Only time will tell if this remake will see the light of day, but for now, fans can only hope that the legacy of the original "Excalibur" remains untarnished.

What are your thoughts on the remaking of this classic film? Share your opinions in the comments below.