Budugu Telugu Movie Review and Rating

May 17




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Release Date: April 17, 2015 Author Rating: 2.5/5 Director: Man Mohan Producers: Bhaskar, Srinivas Sarika Music Director: Sai Kartheek Starring: Manchu Lakshmi, Sreedhar Rao, Master Prem Prabhu


Summary: "Budugu," a Telugu psychological thriller released on April 17,Budugu Telugu Movie Review and Rating Articles 2015, delves into the complexities of parenting and child psychology. Despite its intriguing premise and commendable performances, the film struggles with execution and narrative flow. While the second half offers some thrilling moments, the overall experience is marred by a lackluster first half and inconsistent storytelling. This review explores the film's strengths and weaknesses, providing a comprehensive analysis of its various elements.


Pooja (Lakshmi Manchu) and Rahul (Sreedhar Rao) enroll their ten-year-old son Bunny (Prem Prabhu) in a boarding school. However, Bunny's peculiar behavior leads to his expulsion. As his oddities continue to disrupt their lives, Pooja seeks help from a psychiatrist (Indraja). The doctor, after reviewing Bunny's medical history, recommends a unique therapy. The film unravels the mystery behind Bunny's behavior and whether he can be cured.

Plus Points

Strong Performances

  • Lakshmi Manchu: Delivers a balanced and compelling performance, especially during the film's intense moments.
  • Master Prem Prabhu: Excels in portraying Bunny's psychological struggles.
  • Indraja: Fits well into her mature role, adding depth to the narrative.
  • Sreedhar Rao: Adequate as the supportive husband.

Effective Scenes

  • Initial Ten Minutes: The film starts on a high note with a fast-paced and engaging sequence.
  • Interval Block: Sets a solid foundation for the second half.
  • Horror Sequences: Some well-executed scenes in the latter part of the film add to the thrill.

Negative Points

Execution Flaws

  • Inconsistent Narrative: The director, despite choosing an interesting subject, fails to maintain a convincing storyline.
  • Screenplay Issues: The screenplay lacks coherence, with many scenes feeling forced and disconnected.
  • Editing: Poor editing disrupts the film's flow, making it difficult to stay engaged.

Logical Errors

  • Plot Holes: Several scenes lack logical consistency, detracting from the overall experience.

Technical Aspects


  • Camera Work: Enhances the film's scenes with effective visual storytelling.


  • Sai Kartheek's Score: The background music, particularly in the second half, is impressive and elevates the film's mood.


  • Man Mohan: While he chose an intriguing concept, his focus on limited scenes left the overall narrative lacking.


"Budugu" offers a mix of intriguing concepts and strong performances, particularly from Lakshmi Manchu and Master Prem Prabhu. However, the film's inconsistent narrative and poor execution hinder its potential. While the second half provides some thrilling moments, the overall experience is marred by a lackluster first half and logical inconsistencies. Fans of psychological thrillers might find it worth a watch, but others may want to skip it.

Interesting Stats

  • Child Psychology in Films: According to a study by the American Psychological Association, films that accurately depict child psychology can significantly impact public understanding and awareness of mental health issues in children (APA).
  • Box Office Performance: "Budugu" had a modest box office performance, reflecting its mixed reviews and limited audience appeal.

Additional Resources

By providing a detailed analysis and incorporating relevant statistics, this review aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of "Budugu" and its place within the genre of psychological thrillers.

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