Discovering the Universal Connection: The Art of Hanneke Kempers

May 17


Maria Stella

Maria Stella

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NEW YORK, NY – Chelsea’s Agora Gallery is set to showcase the original works of Hanneke Kempers in the "Pathways" exhibition. The event kicks off on September 26, 2017, and runs until October 17, 2017, with an opening reception on Thursday, September 28, from 6-8 pm. Art enthusiasts who appreciate thought-provoking pieces and enjoy meeting talented artists are highly encouraged to attend.


The Artistic Journey of Hanneke Kempers

Early Life and Influences

Hanneke Kempers grew up in Oosterhout,Discovering the Universal Connection: The Art of Hanneke Kempers Articles the Netherlands, where she was instilled with a deep appreciation for the role of art in human development. After earning a degree in Social Sciences, Kempers delved into the motivations behind human behavior and the ways individuals can grow through daily interactions. Influenced by renowned artists such as Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock, and Nico Molenkamp, Kempers merges abstract expressionism with the psychological teachings of Carl Jung. This unique blend drives her to explore the universal connections between art and humanity.

Artistic Style and Philosophy

Kempers works with both oil and acrylic paints to create vibrant, dynamic pieces. Her straightforward titles invite viewers to engage with her work on a personal level. Kempers' painting philosophy mirrors her view of human beings: the more layers, the better. She begins each piece with bold, powerful structures and then refines and adds new layers, infusing her work with additional energy. "These universal 'mind- and mood-sets' may be recognizable for any one of us," she explains, "regardless of our differences in background, belief, and language."

Current Residence

Hanneke Kempers currently resides in De Bilt, the Netherlands.

Exhibition Details

  • Exhibition Dates: September 26 – October 17, 2017
  • Opening Reception: Thursday, September 28, 2017, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
  • Gallery Location: 530 West 25th Street, New York, NY
  • Event URL: Agora Gallery - Hanneke Kempers

Featured Artists

The "Pathways" exhibition will also feature works from the following artists:

  • Enrico Ambrosio
  • Lorena Becerra
  • Anita Birkenfeld
  • Rody
  • Nancy McLean
  • Iva Milanova
  • Frédérique Négrié
  • Alaleh Ostad
  • Elke Riedel
  • Svetlana Sintseva
  • Bekir Smolski

About the Exhibition: Pathways

"Pathways" is a group exhibition that blurs the lines between fantasy and reality. It features the works of twelve artists, exploring how various media—including paintings, sculpture, digital compositions, photography, and multimedia collages—can intertwine the everyday with the ethereal. This collection of dynamic compositions offers a unique perspective on the intersection of the mundane and the mystical.

Interesting Stats

  • According to a 2017 report by The Art Market, the global art market was valued at approximately $63.7 billion, with the United States accounting for 42% of the market share (source).
  • Abstract expressionism, the style that influences Kempers, emerged in the 1940s and 1950s and has since become one of the most influential art movements of the 20th century (source).
  • A study by the National Endowment for the Arts found that individuals who engage with art are more likely to report higher levels of life satisfaction and social engagement (source).

By attending the "Pathways" exhibition, visitors will not only experience the profound works of Hanneke Kempers but also gain insight into the broader context of contemporary art and its impact on society.

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