GIDJA's Abstract Paintings: A Fusion of Spirituality and Nature

May 17


Maria Stella

Maria Stella

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NEW YORK, NY – Chelsea’s Agora Gallery will showcase the original works of GIDJA in the exhibition "Spatial Fluidity." The event kicks off on April 1, 2017, and runs until April 21, 2017, with an opening reception on Thursday, April 6, from 6-8 pm.


A Unique Blend of Art and Meditation

Abstract artist GIDJA is celebrated for his ethereal watercolors and intricate dot paintings. Despite their apparent differences,GIDJA's Abstract Paintings: A Fusion of Spirituality and Nature Articles these styles are unified by GIDJA’s deep connection to nature and spirituality. His creative process is meditative, allowing the paint and colors to guide him without a predetermined plan. This instinctive approach results in watercolors that are purely abstract and dot paintings that often feature animals, people, symbols, spirits, and objects.

The Dot Painting Technique

GIDJA’s dot paintings are particularly noteworthy for their ties to indigenous cultures, which he admires for their profound understanding of spirituality and ecology. This technique, while simple, demands immense patience and precision. GIDJA often uses feathers or twigs to create these detailed patterns, emphasizing the organic connection between his art and the natural world.

GIDJA's Background

Born and residing in Belgium, GIDJA is also a practicing osteopath. His professional life mirrors his artistic practice, focusing on understanding connections and inspiring new perspectives. This duality enriches his art, making it a unique blend of physical and spiritual exploration.

Exhibition Details

  • Exhibition Dates: April 1, 2017 – April 21, 2017
  • Reception: Thursday, April 6, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
  • Gallery Location: 530 West 25th St, Chelsea, New York
  • Event URL: Agora Gallery - GIDJA

Featured Artists in "Spatial Fluidity"

  • Sheree Friedman
  • Erin Cooke
  • Pedro Alberti
  • Nello Petrucci
  • Isabelita
  • Annika Carlsson
  • Ian A. Matthews
  • Birsen Yurdaer

About the Exhibition: Spatial Fluidity

"Spatial Fluidity" is a collective exhibition that brings together some of the most innovative artists working outside the traditional picture plane. This exhibition explores the three-dimensionality of art, questioning how a piece should exist in the world. Is it merely a visual entity, or does it interact with the viewer's space? Is it static, or does it change as the viewer moves?

Diverse Artistic Expressions

The exhibition features a wide range of mixed-media works, from subtly textured pieces to canvases that dramatically protrude and recede into "real" space. The collection includes collages that blend newspaper clippings and photographs, often coated in a reflective glaze, and single-media paintings that highlight the physical properties of their materials, such as the plasticity of acrylic. Much of the art is abstract, encouraging viewers to focus on broader visual sensations rather than a representational narrative.

Interesting Stats and Facts

  • Art Market Growth: The global art market was valued at approximately $64.1 billion in 2019, with contemporary art making up a significant portion of this market (source: Statista).
  • Meditative Art: Studies have shown that engaging in artistic activities can reduce stress and promote mental well-being. A 2016 study found that 75% of participants experienced lower cortisol levels after 45 minutes of art-making (source: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association).
  • Indigenous Art Influence: Indigenous art, particularly dot painting, has seen a resurgence in popularity. The market for Aboriginal art in Australia alone was valued at over $200 million in 2018 (source: The Guardian).

By blending spirituality, nature, and meticulous technique, GIDJA's work offers a profound and meditative experience for viewers. His participation in "Spatial Fluidity" at Agora Gallery is a testament to his unique artistic vision and the broader conversation about the role of art in our lives.