Portrait Gallery: The Artistic Journey of Gary Harned

May 17




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Gary Harned's passion for art was ignited by an unexpected source—his college roommate. Despite earning a degree in marketing management from Mississippi State University, Harned found himself captivated by his roommate’s architectural design classes. This fascination led him to teach himself the intricacies of art in his spare time, eventually becoming a skilled oil portrait painter.


The Allure of Oil Portrait Painting

Although Harned's academic background was in marketing,Portrait Gallery: The Artistic Journey of Gary Harned Articles his true calling lay in the world of art. The precision and creativity involved in architectural design inspired him to explore the artistic possibilities of oil painting. He was particularly intrigued by the challenge of transforming a limited canvas into a detailed masterpiece, much like an architect designs an elaborate building on a small plot of land.

A Journey Spanning Three Decades

Now 56 years old, Harned has dedicated 30 years to perfecting his craft in oil painting. Originally from Florida, his early works were predominantly garden-themed. However, since moving to Grand Junction in 1991, his focus has shifted to capturing the breathtaking vistas of the American West. Despite his long career, Harned's meticulous attention to detail means he has completed only 30 pieces to date.

Balancing Art and a Full-Time Job

Harned's artistic endeavors are often constrained by his full-time job with the U.S. Postal Service. "It’s been about five months since I picked up a brush," he lamented. "I hate it, but you get through it and things change." He remains hopeful that he will have more time to paint in the fall.

The Medium of Choice: Oil on Linen and Masonite

Harned prefers to work with oil paints on linen and masonite. He appreciates the forgiving nature of oil paints, which allow for corrections and adjustments. "You can make a mistake," he explained, highlighting the flexibility that oil paints offer.

Future Aspirations and Gallery Showings

Currently, Harned is not exhibiting his work in any galleries, but he hopes this will change soon. With only five or six paintings left to sell, he acknowledges that galleries typically require a larger inventory. Nevertheless, he remains optimistic about future opportunities to showcase his art.

Interesting Stats and Facts

  • Art Market Growth: The global art market was valued at approximately $64.1 billion in 2019, according to the Art Basel and UBS Global Art Market Report. This highlights the significant economic impact of the art industry.
  • Oil Painting Popularity: Oil painting remains one of the most popular mediums among artists. A survey by Artfinder found that 34% of artists prefer oil paints, citing their versatility and rich texture.
  • Time Investment: On average, professional artists spend about 20-30 hours on a single oil painting, depending on the complexity and size of the piece. Harned's detailed approach means he often exceeds this average.


Gary Harned's journey from a marketing graduate to a dedicated oil portrait painter is a testament to the power of passion and self-teaching. Despite the challenges of balancing a full-time job with his artistic pursuits, Harned continues to create detailed and captivating works of art. As he looks forward to more opportunities to paint and exhibit his work, his story serves as an inspiration to aspiring artists everywhere.

For more insights into the art world, you can explore the Art Basel and UBS Global Art Market Report and learn about the popularity of oil painting.


  • Art Basel and UBS Global Art Market Report: Art Basel
  • Artfinder Survey on Medium Preferences: Artfinder