Robbins Brothers: Choosing the Perfect Ring Setting

May 16


Andrew Stratton

Andrew Stratton

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Selecting the ideal stone for your jewelry is just one part of the equation when purchasing the perfect piece. Equally important is choosing the right setting, which can significantly impact the overall appearance and durability of your ring.


The Importance of Ring Settings

When considering a Robbins Brothers ring,Robbins Brothers: Choosing the Perfect Ring Setting Articles it's crucial to select the best setting for your chosen stone. The setting can dramatically influence the ring's aesthetic and functionality, making it essential to choose wisely. For instance, a channel setting might be ideal for a wedding ring, providing a sleek and secure option for the stones.

Enhancing Brilliance and Size

Some settings are designed to make the stones appear seamless with the ring, enhancing their brilliance by allowing light to hit the stones at specific angles. In some cases, what appears to be part of the stone might actually be an element of the setting, crafted to enhance the ring's design and make the diamonds look larger than their actual size.

Gender-Specific Settings

Certain settings are more suitable for men's jewelry, while others are better for women's pieces. However, settings can often be adapted to match personal styles and the specific design of the piece. The way a stone is held in place can vary, with some settings offering additional protection to prevent the stones from getting lost.

Factors to Consider

Smoothness and Edges

When choosing a setting, consider the smoothness and edges. Some settings, like the beveled setting, can be adapted into various shapes, providing versatility in design. Knowing the available settings allows you to request specific features rather than settling for limited options.

Online vs. In-Store Shopping

Shopping online can help you narrow down your choices before visiting a store to see the pieces in person. Ensure the store has the jewelry you want to view, as online selections may differ significantly from in-store offerings.

The Robbins Brothers Experience

Visiting a Robbins Brothers store in person offers the advantage of trying on jewelry and seeing the pieces up close. Whether you prefer to order online or in person, customer service is available to answer your questions and help you make the best decision for yourself or a loved one.

Interesting Stats

  • Diamond Engagement Rings: According to a survey by The Knot, 86% of engagement rings feature a diamond as the center stone, with round cut being the most popular shape (41%) source.
  • Average Spending: The average amount spent on an engagement ring in the U.S. is $5,500, though this can vary widely based on personal preferences and budget source.
  • Ring Settings: Prong settings are the most popular, accounting for 75% of engagement rings, followed by halo settings at 16% source.


Choosing the right setting for your Robbins Brothers ring is a crucial step in ensuring the piece's beauty and longevity. By considering factors such as smoothness, edges, and the type of setting, you can make an informed decision that enhances the stone's brilliance and protects it from damage. Whether shopping online or in-store, Robbins Brothers offers a range of options and expert assistance to help you find the perfect ring.


  1. The Knot - Engagement Ring Trends
  2. Brides - Average Cost of an Engagement Ring

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