Twin Triumphs for Artist as New Portraits Debut in Prestigious Exhibitions

May 17




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Batley artist Tony Noble has achieved remarkable success with two of his artworks being selected for major exhibitions in London. His drawing, "Man in a Striped Shirt," and his painting, "The Twins: Portrait of my Wife Jackie and her Sister Christine," have both earned spots in highly esteemed galleries, showcasing his exceptional talent and dedication.


Tony Noble's Artistic Achievements

Royal Society of Portrait Painters Exhibition

Tony Noble's drawing,Twin Triumphs for Artist as New Portraits Debut in Prestigious Exhibitions Articles "Man in a Striped Shirt," was chosen from over 1,300 entries to be featured in the annual Royal Society of Portrait Painters Exhibition. This prestigious event will take place at the Mall Galleries in May. The exhibition is known for displaying portraits of notable figures, including the Queen, who is the patron of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters, as well as celebrities and other public figures.

BP Portrait Award Exhibition

In addition to his success with the Royal Society, Tony's painting, "The Twins: Portrait of my Wife Jackie and her Sister Christine," has been selected for the BP Portrait Award Exhibition. This exhibition will be held at London's National Portrait Gallery over the summer. The BP Portrait Award is one of the most esteemed portrait competitions in the world, attracting thousands of entries each year.

The Significance of These Selections

Tony Noble expressed his delight upon hearing of his selection for these prestigious exhibitions. He shared, "Entering this competition represents a huge investment. The painting took almost three months to complete, so rejection would have been a real blow. Thankfully I’m in again!"

The Investment in Art

Creating a piece for such high-caliber competitions requires significant time and effort. Tony's dedication to his craft is evident in the nearly three months he spent on "The Twins." This level of commitment is not uncommon among artists aiming for recognition in top-tier exhibitions.

Tony Noble's Studio

Tony Noble's creative space is located at Redbrick Mill, a well-known hub for artists and designers. This environment provides him with the inspiration and resources needed to produce his acclaimed works.

Interesting Statistics

  • The Royal Society of Portrait Painters Exhibition receives over 1,300 entries annually, but only a select few are chosen for display. Source: Royal Society of Portrait Painters
  • The BP Portrait Award Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery attracts over 2,000 entries each year, with only around 50 being selected for the final exhibition. Source: National Portrait Gallery


Tony Noble's twin successes in having his artworks selected for two of the most prestigious portrait exhibitions in London highlight his exceptional talent and dedication to his craft. His achievements serve as an inspiration to aspiring artists and a testament to the power of perseverance and hard work in the world of art.

For more information on the Royal Society of Portrait Painters and the BP Portrait Award, visit their official websites.

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