Vampire Fiction Loaded With Horror, Humor, And… Humanity!

May 16


Matt R. Jones

Matt R. Jones

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Summary: Dive into the world of "Love, Red Wine, & Magick," a vampire fiction that defies conventions with its blend of horror, humor, and humanity. This action-packed adventure features strong, independent female vampires who are as relatable as they are powerful. Forget the brooding male vampires of old; this book offers a fresh, hilarious, and thrilling take on the genre. Get ready for a wild ride through ancient swamps and hot Mississippi nights, where laughter and tension go hand in hand.


A Fresh Take on Vampire Fiction

Breaking the Mold

"Love,Vampire Fiction Loaded With Horror, Humor, And… Humanity! Articles Red Wine, & Magick" shatters the long-standing conventions of vampire fiction. Traditionally, vampire stories are steeped in darkness and brooding seriousness. However, this book flips the script, offering a hilarious, action-packed adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Humor in the Darkness

Vampire fiction isn't typically known for its humor. Yet, "Love, Red Wine, & Magick" manages to blend slapstick, sarcasm, and outrageous situations seamlessly. Imagine being chased by a monstrous abomination made from hundreds of corpses—you're going to need a laugh to break the tension!

Humanizing the Undead

Vampires are often portrayed as cold, distant beings who yearn for their lost humanity. This book takes a different approach. The leading ladies are fully-realized, well-rounded characters who are as human as you and I. Yes, leading ladies.

Strong Female Protagonists

A New Kind of Vampire

For decades, vampire fiction has been dominated by dreamy and/or tragic male vampires. "Love, Red Wine, & Magick" offers a refreshing change with strong, confident, and compelling female vampires. These women are not stereotypical oversexed predators or cold-hearted Vampira clones; they are strong, independent, and fully empowered.

Meet Donita and Katheryne

In the novella "Linda Marie," we meet Donita, a half-vampire gypsy loudmouth who hates zombies and often gets in over her head. Her lover and best friend, Katheryne, balances her out with common sense and a soft-spoken approach. Their journey through the ancient Louisiana swamps to help an old friend is filled with action, adventure, and a powerful bond of love.

Action-Packed Adventures

The Cosmic Climax

The love between Donita and Katheryne forms a powerful bond that may be the only thing standing between them and the end of all life on Earth. The cosmic climax of their story is a far cry from the usual vampire fiction, offering a unique blend of tension and humor.

The Ballad of Thomas Brown

In "The Ballad Of Thomas Brown," the all-vampiress biker gang known as the Sisters of Fury ride into Seward County, Mississippi, for a night of old-time blues. However, things quickly get out of hand when a local jerk with a dark family secret becomes a deadly threat. The story is filled with tension, surprises, and a mysterious old bluesman named Tom Brown.

Why You Should Read This Book

A New Kind of Vampire Fiction

"Love, Red Wine, & Magick" is not your typical vampire fiction. It ignores the old rules and offers a fresh, hilarious, and thrilling take on the genre. If you're tired of the same old vampire stories, this book is for you.

Stats and Data

  • According to a 2020 survey by Statista, 36% of respondents in the U.S. enjoy reading horror fiction, and vampire stories are a significant sub-genre within this category. Source
  • A study by the Pew Research Center found that 27% of adults in the U.S. read at least one book in the fantasy genre in 2019, which often overlaps with vampire fiction. Source

Unique Insights

  • Did you know that the concept of female vampires dates back to ancient mythology? The Greek myth of Lamia, a child-eating demon, is one of the earliest examples. Source
  • The portrayal of vampires has evolved significantly over the years, from Bram Stoker's "Dracula" to modern interpretations like "Twilight" and "True Blood." "Love, Red Wine, & Magick" adds a new layer to this evolution by focusing on humor and strong female characters.


"Love, Red Wine, & Magick" is a must-read for anyone looking for a fresh, exciting take on vampire fiction. With its blend of horror, humor, and humanity, this book offers a unique and thrilling experience. So, throw your expectations out the window and dive into a world where laughter and tension coexist in perfect harmony.

Love, Red Wine, & Magick

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