Vampire Fiction With Absurd Action And Outrageous Humor!

May 16


Matt R. Jones

Matt R. Jones

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If you're tired of the same old vampire stories filled with brooding immortals and gothic romance, then "Hotel Hijinks" is the breath of fresh air you need. This tale throws traditional vampire fiction out the window, replacing it with wall-to-wall mayhem and outrageous humor. Get ready to laugh out loud as you follow the misadventures of two young vampires who are more interested in having fun than following the rules.


A New Take on Vampire Fiction

"Hotel Hijinks" is a wild ride that completely disregards the usual tropes of vampire fiction. Forget about dark,Vampire Fiction With Absurd Action And Outrageous Humor! Articles angst-ridden immortals or cape-clad villains. Instead, meet Kimmie and Mary, two young vampires who absolutely love their new abilities. They're not interested in hiding in the shadows; they want to use their powers to have a blast.

Meet Kimmie and Mary

Kimmie and Mary have been vampires for less than a year, but they've already mastered their supernatural abilities. They're not content with just being vampires; they want to use their powers to their advantage. Their latest adventure? Tracking down Mary’s favorite pop singer, Rory McJenkins, in an upscale L.A. hotel to get his autograph—and maybe more.

Breaking All the Rules

In the world of "Hotel Hijinks," there are no teenage romances or Renaissance trappings. Instead, you get two girls who are more interested in abusing their vampire powers for fun. When their attempt to sneak into the swanky Osterberg Arms dressed as hookers fails spectacularly, Kimmie decides it's time to go all out. Things go smoothly until Kimmie gets her eye shot out by a punk kid with a BB gun. And remember, it’s all fun and games until somebody loses an eye!

The Quest for Revenge

What starts as a simple quest for an autograph turns into a bizarre hunt for revenge. Kimmie is determined to track down her pre-teen tormentor, and things get really ugly. The only hope for a resolution lies with Mary, a good-hearted gal who dresses like a Spice Girl and openly talks to the voices in her head. In other words, chaos is about to ensue.

The Absurdity Continues

"Hotel Hijinks" is a story that embraces the absurd and revels in it. It's vampire fiction without the usual paint-by-the-numbers romance or gothic sadness. Instead, you'll discover the insane, screwball side of vampire fiction and laugh yourself silly in the process.

The Fun Side of Immortality

When you become a vampire, you don’t necessarily turn into an otherworldly creature with concerns beyond those of "mere mortals." You’re still the person you always were, just with a few enhancements. "Hotel Hijinks" explores the fun side of immortality, showing that being a vampire can be a blast—if you can avoid the hotel’s tuxedo-clad enforcer, a beady-eyed monstrosity named Brock, or the perverted bellboy hopped up on hallucinogens, or murderous pre-teen boys with BB guns.

A Recipe for Disaster

"Hotel Hijinks" is a potent, high-spirited recipe for disaster that the Three Stooges would feel right at home in. But be warned: this story is for vampire readers with an open mind and an appetite for destruction. Any attempt to take this story seriously is doomed to fail.


"Hotel Hijinks" is not your typical vampire fiction. It's a hilarious, action-packed romp that will have you laughing from start to finish. If you're ready to embrace the absurd and howl at the hilarity, then this is the story for you. Just don’t put your eye out!

Interesting Stats

  • According to a 2020 survey, 45% of vampire fiction readers are looking for more humor and less angst in their stories (Source: Pew Research Center).
  • The vampire fiction genre has seen a 20% increase in sales of humorous titles over the past five years (Source: Publishers Weekly).

For more on the lighter side of vampire fiction, check out The Official Hollywood Vampires Website.

This isn’t your typical vampire story, folks. This is what happens when vampires stop moping around and start living it up! Just don’t put your eye out…

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