Using A Treadmill Vs Elliptical Trainer For Weight Loss

May 6


Travis Van Slooten

Travis Van Slooten

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Choosing between a treadmill and an elliptical trainer for weight loss can be challenging, as both machines offer unique benefits for fitness and fat reduction. This article delves into the specifics of each to help you make an informed decision based on your personal fitness goals, physical condition, and workout preferences.


Overview of Treadmill and Elliptical Trainer

Treadmill: The Classic Cardio Machine

Treadmills have been a staple in fitness centers and home gyms for decades. They simulate walking,Using A Treadmill Vs Elliptical Trainer For Weight Loss Articles jogging, or running, which are natural and intuitive movements. Modern treadmills come equipped with various features such as adjustable speeds, inclines, and programmable workout routines. High-end models often include entertainment options and advanced metrics tracking. According to a study by the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, running on a treadmill can burn approximately 600-1200 calories per hour, depending on intensity and individual metabolism.

Elliptical Trainer: Low-Impact Full-Body Workout

Elliptical trainers are relatively newer but have quickly gained popularity due to their low-impact nature. They provide a cardiovascular workout that minimizes stress on the joints while also engaging both the upper and lower body, which can lead to higher energy expenditure. A study from Harvard Health Publications estimates that a 30-minute workout on an elliptical can burn between 270 and 400 calories, depending on one’s weight and workout intensity.

Comparison for Weight Loss

Calorie Burning

Both treadmills and ellipticals are effective for burning calories, which is crucial for weight loss. The treadmill might have a slight edge due to the potential for higher intensity workouts; however, the elliptical can also offer a substantial calorie burn, especially if used with vigorous arm action and increased resistance settings.

Impact on Joints

For individuals with joint issues or recovering from injuries, ellipticals are the better choice. They provide a smooth motion that mimics natural walking and running without the harsh impact. Treadmills, while adjustable in terms of speed and incline, still involve foot strikes that can be tough on the joints over time.

Workout Versatility

Treadmills offer more variability in workouts through adjustable speeds and inclines. They are ideal for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) which is highly effective for rapid weight loss. Ellipticals are less versatile but can still provide a rigorous workout, especially with adjustable resistance and using different programmed routines.

Muscle Engagement

Ellipticals have the advantage of engaging more muscle groups simultaneously. The combined upper and lower body movement can lead to greater overall muscle tone and faster metabolism, aiding in quicker weight loss.

Making the Right Choice

When deciding between a treadmill and an elliptical, consider your personal health and fitness goals, any existing injuries or joint issues, and which type of workout you enjoy more. Both machines can provide excellent cardiovascular workouts and help in weight loss, but they do so in slightly different ways.

For those interested in high-intensity workouts and who are not limited by joint pain, a treadmill might be the better option. For individuals looking for a low-impact, full-body workout, an elliptical trainer would be ideal.


Both treadmills and elliptical trainers offer valuable benefits for those looking to lose weight. By considering your personal needs and preferences, you can choose the machine that best fits your lifestyle and helps you achieve your weight loss goals effectively. For further reading on the best treadmills and ellipticals for home use, consider checking resources like Consumer Reports or Healthline.