Choose a BBQ Restaurant for Your Next Meeting Instead of a Conference Room

May 20


Jordyn Whitman

Jordyn Whitman

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Companies are rethinking the traditional business meeting format. Increasingly, businesses are moving meetings from the boardroom to the lunchroom. Here are six compelling reasons why lunch meetings, especially at a BBQ restaurant, can benefit your business.


Neutral Ground for Fair Discussions

Meeting at a BBQ restaurant provides a neutral location where no one has the upper hand. This can lead to more balanced and open discussions. However,Choose a BBQ Restaurant for Your Next Meeting Instead of a Conference Room Articles it's crucial to choose a venue that is comfortable, reliable, and conducive to casual business conversations. BBQ restaurants often offer a relaxed atmosphere that can make everyone feel at ease.

Enhanced Personal Interactions

In an era dominated by digital communication, face-to-face interactions are invaluable. Lunch meetings foster interpersonal skills and help both parties gauge each other's communication styles and priorities. Sharing a meal, especially BBQ, can break the ice and make the conversation more personal and engaging.

Comfort Food for a Relaxed Atmosphere

Food has a unique way of making people feel comfortable. A boardroom can often feel sterile and intimidating, whereas a BBQ restaurant offers a more relaxed setting. The casual environment can turn a potentially stressful meeting into a more enjoyable dialogue. Plus, it's hard to be overly formal with BBQ sauce on your fingers!

Fewer Distractions

Leaving the office for a lunch meeting allows both parties to focus without the usual office interruptions. There are no coworkers dropping by or constant email notifications. The only distraction might be deciding whether to go back for seconds.

Memorable Meetings

A change of scenery can make your meeting more memorable. Lunch meetings break the monotony of the usual workday, making the discussions easier to recall. This can be particularly beneficial when negotiating deals or networking with new contacts. A delicious BBQ meal is hard to forget.

Efficient Use of Time

Lunch meetings are typically short and focused, allowing both parties to be efficient while enjoying a great meal. People are less likely to dawdle when there's BBQ involved, making it easier to stick to the agenda and accomplish your business goals.

Interesting Stats

  • According to a study by Harvard Business Review, face-to-face requests are 34 times more successful than those made over email.
  • A survey by Barbecue News Magazine found that 72% of people feel more relaxed and open to conversation when eating BBQ compared to other types of food.
  • The National Restaurant Association reports that 60% of business professionals believe that lunch meetings are more productive than those held in a traditional office setting.


Choosing a BBQ restaurant for your next business meeting can offer numerous benefits, from creating a neutral and relaxed environment to enhancing personal interactions and making the meeting more memorable. So, why not do business over brisket? Lunch meetings provide a unique opportunity to break up the workday while building stronger professional relationships.

For more insights on the benefits of face-to-face meetings, check out this Harvard Business Review article.


  1. Harvard Business Review. "The Surprising Power of Face-to-Face Meetings." April 2017. Link
  2. Barbecue News Magazine. "The Relaxing Power of BBQ." 2021.
  3. National Restaurant Association. "The Productivity of Lunch Meetings." 2020.
