Costa Rica Coffee: Why It's the Best Gourmet Coffee in the World

May 20


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Costa Rica's coffee is renowned for its exceptional quality, and the country's dedication to improving this quality is evident through the efforts of the Specialty Coffee Association of Costa Rica. This organization aims to promote Costa Rican coffee on the global gourmet market, enhancing the product's image and encouraging the production and consumption of specialty coffees worldwide.


The Unique Environmental Conditions

The environmental conditions in Costa Rica play a significant role in the superior quality of its coffee. The country's diverse microclimates,Costa Rica Coffee: Why It's the Best Gourmet Coffee in the World Articles influenced by varying altitudes and distinct Atlantic and Pacific watersheds, create ideal growing conditions. Higher altitudes, with their lower temperatures, relative humidity, and rainfall, contribute to the unique characteristics of Costa Rican coffee beans.

Altitude and Climate

  • Altitude: Coffee grown at higher altitudes (above 1,200 meters) tends to have a more complex flavor profile. The slower maturation process at these elevations allows the beans to develop more nuanced flavors.
  • Climate: The Pacific and Atlantic watersheds offer different growing conditions. The Pacific side experiences a distinct dry season, while the Atlantic side has more consistent rainfall, affecting the beans' development and flavor.

The Specialty Coffee Association of Costa Rica

The Specialty Coffee Association of Costa Rica (SCACR) sets stringent standards to ensure the highest quality coffee. These standards cover every stage of production, from seed sowing to harvesting and commercialization.

Rigorous Standards

To qualify as specialty coffee, the following specifications must be met:

  1. Ripe Red Cherries: At least 99% of each batch must consist of ripe red cherries.
  2. Contamination Control: 100% of the coffee beans undergo special treatment processes to prevent contamination.
  3. Roasting Temperature: The maximum permissible roasting temperature is 122°F, ensuring a longer drying period without damaging the beans' outer texture.
  4. Defective Cherry Elimination: Each batch is sorted after drying to remove defective cherries before storing the parchment.
  5. Expert Cupping Panel: Each lot must be approved by an expert cupping panel, with at least seven members per session, working in blind sessions. The batch must score at least 32 points out of 40 or achieve an 80% grade for aroma, acidity, body, and taste.
  6. Preparation Standards: The coffee must meet the standards of the Specialty Coffee Association of America in terms of bean texture, color, and size.
  7. External Supervision: An external agent supervises the processing of each lot.
  8. Detailed Logs: Processing details and methods are recorded in a separate log for each lot, providing consumers with accurate information from picking to shipping.

The Impact of Specialty Coffee

Costa Rican specialty coffees have consistently received high ratings from international buyers, thanks to the meticulous care taken during processing and the favorable growing conditions. This dedication to quality has positioned Costa Rica as a leader in the global coffee market.

Interesting Statistics

  • Global Coffee Production: Costa Rica produces approximately 1.5 million bags of coffee annually, contributing to about 1% of the world's coffee production. Source: International Coffee Organization
  • Economic Impact: Coffee is a significant part of Costa Rica's economy, accounting for around 3% of the country's GDP. Source: World Bank
  • Sustainability Efforts: Over 90% of Costa Rican coffee is grown on small farms, promoting sustainable agricultural practices. Source: Specialty Coffee Association


Costa Rica's coffee stands out in the global market due to its unique environmental conditions, rigorous quality standards, and the dedication of its producers. The Specialty Coffee Association of Costa Rica plays a crucial role in maintaining these high standards, ensuring that Costa Rican coffee continues to be celebrated by coffee connoisseurs worldwide.

By understanding the factors that contribute to the exceptional quality of Costa Rican coffee, consumers can appreciate the effort and care that goes into every cup, making it truly one of the best gourmet coffees in the world.