Deck the Halls in Time for Christmas

May 20


Lisa Jeeves

Lisa Jeeves

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As the holiday season approaches, it's crucial for retail businesses to prepare their spaces to maximize Christmas sales. This article provides detailed tips and strategies to help you get your retail space ready for the festive rush, ensuring you capitalize on the increased foot traffic and online visits.



With the holiday season fast approaching,Deck the Halls in Time for Christmas Articles retail businesses must prepare their spaces to maximize Christmas sales. This article offers detailed tips and strategies to help you get your retail space ready for the festive rush, ensuring you capitalize on the increased foot traffic and online visits. From stocking up on seasonal treats to creating an inviting atmosphere, these insights will help you make the most of the busiest shopping period of the year.

The Importance of Christmas Sales

Christmas is a critical period for retailers, often accounting for a significant portion of annual sales. According to the National Retail Federation, holiday sales in November and December can represent as much as 19% of a retailer's total annual sales. For sweet shop owners, this period is even more crucial as consumers indulge in seasonal treats like chocolate Yule logs, candy canes, and Turkish delights.

Preparing Your Stock and Staff

Stock Up Early

Ensure you have all your stock ready well in advance of December. According to a survey by Deloitte, 60% of consumers start their holiday shopping before Thanksgiving. This means you need to be prepared early to meet the demand.

Staffing Schedules

Make sure your staffing schedules are sorted out to cover any situation. The holiday season often brings an influx of customers, and having adequate staff is essential to provide excellent service. Consider hiring temporary staff if necessary.

Encouraging Foot Traffic

Create an Inviting Atmosphere

Do everything you can to encourage people to cross the threshold and explore what you have to offer. Here are some ideas:

  • Tasty Teasers: Offer samples at the front of the shop to entice buyers further inside.
  • Late-Night Shopping: Stay open for late-night shopping on one night of the week to accommodate busy schedules.
  • Giant Advent Calendar: Set up a giant advent calendar in your retail space, giving away a chocolaty present to one lucky customer every day of advent until Christmas.

Compete with Big Names

The high street can be fiercely competitive, especially during the holiday season. If you can't compete with big names in terms of price, focus on the quality and personal service your business offers. Highlight the fact that you are an independent retailer to encourage goodwill from supportive customers.

Deck the Halls

Themed Decorations

Christmas is one of the few times of the year when you can go all out with themed decorations. Transform your window display into a Winter Wonderland with snow, sparkles, and seasonal packaging. According to a study by the Journal of Consumer Research, festive decorations can increase sales by up to 20%.

Edible Decorations

We currently stock a range of edible products that would look fabulous hanging on a Christmas tree. For example, displaying Milk Chocolate Tinsel Balls from Storz or charming fudge-filled Vintage Tin Baubles on a tree will not only brighten up your retail space but also advertise your stock.

Additional Tips

Leverage Social Media

Use social media platforms to showcase your festive decorations and special offers. According to Sprout Social, 58% of consumers prefer to shop from brands they follow on social media.

Offer Gift Wrapping

Provide a gift-wrapping service to make shopping more convenient for your customers. This small touch can make a big difference in customer satisfaction.


Preparing your retail space for Christmas is essential to maximize sales during this busy period. By stocking up early, creating an inviting atmosphere, and decking the halls with festive decorations, you can ensure a successful holiday season. For more advice on setting up your retail space for success this Christmas, feel free to get in touch with industry experts.


By following these tips and strategies, you can make the most of the busiest shopping period of the year and ensure your retail space is ready to welcome customers through the door.