February 14 is Coming – Are You Ready?

May 20


Lisa Jeeves

Lisa Jeeves

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Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and with it comes the annual rush for special gifts that express love and affection. At hf Chocolates, we understand the importance of this occasion for your business. That's why we go the extra mile to source the finest sweet and chocolate selections from around the world, ensuring you have a diverse range of delightful treats to cater to every taste and budget.


The Significance of Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day,February 14 is Coming – Are You Ready? Articles celebrated on February 14th, is a time-honored tradition of expressing love through gifts and gestures. The origins of this romantic holiday are steeped in history and legend.

Who Was Saint Valentine?

The true identity of Saint Valentine remains a mystery, with several legends surrounding his life. One popular story suggests that Valentine was a Christian priest who secretly performed marriages for Roman soldiers, defying Emperor Claudius II's decree that soldiers remain single. Another tale tells of Valentine aiding Christians in escaping Roman prisons, ultimately leading to his own imprisonment and execution. Before his death, he is said to have sent a note to his beloved, signed "From your Valentine."

Why February?

The choice of February for Valentine's Day dates back to around 270 AD when early church leaders sought to replace the pagan fertility festival of Lupercalia with a Christian celebration. Additionally, in the Middle Ages, February 14th was believed to mark the beginning of the avian mating season, further cementing the date's association with love.

The First Written Valentine

The tradition of sending Valentine's greetings has a long history. The earliest known written Valentine, now housed in the British Library, was penned by Charles, Duke of Orleans, in 1415. He sent it to his wife while imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt.

A Global Celebration of Love

Today, Valentine's Day is celebrated worldwide, with people exchanging cards, flowers, jewelry, and chocolates. For businesses, especially those in the confectionery industry, this holiday represents a significant opportunity to boost sales.

The Business of Valentine's Day

In the UK alone, Valentine's Day spending reached an estimated £1.45 billion in 2020, with chocolates being a popular gift choice (Statista, 2020). To capitalize on this lucrative period, businesses must offer a wide variety of chocolates to meet diverse customer preferences and budgets.

hf Chocolates: Your Valentine's Day Partner

At hf Chocolates, we pride ourselves on providing top-quality sweets and chocolates at reasonable prices. Our extensive Valentine's Day collection is carefully curated to ensure you have the perfect selection to attract and satisfy your customers.

Interesting Valentine's Day Statistics

  • Global Spending: In 2021, global spending on Valentine's Day was projected to reach $21.8 billion (National Retail Federation, 2021).
  • Chocolate Sales: Approximately 58 million pounds of chocolate are sold during Valentine's week in the U.S. alone (National Confectioners Association, 2020).
  • Card Exchange: Around 145 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually, making it the second-largest card-sending holiday after Christmas (Hallmark, 2020).


As Valentine's Day approaches, ensure your business is ready to meet the demand for sweet gifts. With hf Chocolates, you can offer a diverse range of high-quality chocolates that cater to every taste and budget, helping you maximize your sales during this romantic season.

For more information on the history of Valentine's Day, visit History.com. To explore our Valentine's Day collection, visit hf Chocolates.


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