Special Ingredients: Shark Fins & Bird's Nest

May 20


Jacklyn Chen

Jacklyn Chen

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Chinese cuisine is renowned for its diverse and unique ingredients, some of which are considered luxurious delicacies. This article delves into two of the most exquisite and costly ingredients in Chinese cooking: shark fins and bird's nest. These ingredients are not only prized for their unique flavors but also for their nutritional benefits and cultural significance.


The Diversity of Chinese Ingredients

Chinese cooking boasts a vast array of ingredients,Special Ingredients: Shark Fins & Bird's Nest Articles which can be broadly categorized into vegetable and animal products. Here's a more detailed breakdown:

Vegetable Ingredients

  • Vegetables: Leafy greens, root vegetables, and more.
  • Beans: Soybeans, mung beans, etc.
  • Fresh Fruits: Apples, oranges, lychees, etc.
  • Dried Fruits: Goji berries, dried longan, etc.
  • Seasonings: Soy sauce, vinegar, five-spice powder, etc.
  • Vegetable Fats: Sesame oil, peanut oil, etc.

Animal Ingredients

  • Meat: Pork, beef, lamb, etc.
  • Internal Organs: Liver, kidneys, etc.
  • Poultry: Chicken, duck, etc.
  • Aquatic Products: Fish, shrimp, etc.
  • Egg Products: Chicken eggs, duck eggs, etc.

In addition to these common ingredients, Chinese cuisine also features special ingredients that are rare and expensive, often reserved for high-end restaurants or special occasions. Among these, shark fins and bird's nest stand out for their exclusivity and culinary prestige.

Shark Fins

Shark fins are considered a delicacy in Chinese cuisine, often served at banquets and special events. They are typically dried and can be found in two forms: whole or shredded and formed into squares. The finest shark fins are sourced from Africa.

Preparation Method

  1. Wash and Boil: Wash the shark fins and boil them for 30 minutes.
  2. Soak and Clean: Soak in cold water for 2 hours and remove the rough skin.
  3. Simmer and Soak: Simmer for another 3 hours and soak for 4 hours in cold water.
  4. Remove Bones: Carefully remove the soft bones without breaking the shark fin pieces. Change the water and simmer for another 3 hours.
  5. Final Soak: Soak again in cold water until soft.
  6. Boil with Ginger: Boil with fresh ginger 1-2 times to remove the smell. Place in a deep casserole, add chicken soup stock, and steam for 1 hour. Avoid using an iron pot as it can darken the shark fins.

Ethical Considerations

It's important to note that the practice of shark finning has significant ethical and environmental implications. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), up to 73 million sharks are killed annually for their fins, leading to a decline in shark populations and disrupting marine ecosystems. WWF

Bird's Nest

Bird's nest, another luxurious ingredient, is primarily harvested in regions like Annam, Thailand, and Singapore. The Annam bird's nest is particularly esteemed for its superior quality and color.

Preparation Method

  1. Soak and Clean: Soak the bird's nest for 3-4 hours in cold water. Remove pinfeathers and foreign particles with a pincette, rinse well, and soften in hot water.
  2. Steam and Serve: Place the softened bird's nest in soup stock seasoned with salt and cooking wine. Steam for about 30 minutes and serve.

Nutritional Benefits

Bird's nest is rich in proteins, amino acids, and minerals. It is believed to boost the immune system, improve skin complexion, and promote overall health. According to a study published in the journal "Food Research International," bird's nest contains sialic acid, which has been linked to enhanced cognitive functions. ScienceDirect

Interesting Stats

  • Shark Fin Trade: Despite international regulations, the global shark fin trade is estimated to be worth between $400 million and $550 million annually. Pew Charitable Trusts
  • Bird's Nest Market: The bird's nest market is valued at approximately $5 billion, with China being the largest consumer. South China Morning Post


Shark fins and bird's nest are two of the most prestigious ingredients in Chinese cuisine, celebrated for their unique flavors and health benefits. However, it's crucial to consider the ethical and environmental impacts of consuming these delicacies. As awareness grows, sustainable and ethical alternatives are becoming more popular, ensuring that these culinary traditions can be enjoyed responsibly.

This article provides a comprehensive look at the luxurious ingredients of shark fins and bird's nest in Chinese cuisine, highlighting their preparation methods, nutritional benefits, and ethical considerations.