Is ten minutes less on the treadmill all that bad?

Apr 22


Mark Clemens

Mark Clemens

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Quitting a workout early can become an unbreakable habit.

Exercise is crucial for the person who is trying to lose weight. Granted,Is ten minutes less on the treadmill all that bad? Articles one can lose excess poundage by simply reducing his or her  calories below the level required for normal functioning. But the effect desired by most people who are on a weight loss program includes a toned musculature and an overall sense of energy or vitality.

Therefore, we need to exercise or work out on a daily basis. Failure to do so results in poor posture, lethargy, reduced skin tone, and lack of physical development. Even physicians concerned only with elimination of excess fat stores and decrease in levels of blood sugar solely for the prevention of diabetes would generally agree.

For a person trying to lose weight, there is most often an increased expectation on his or her exercise capacity. That is, a doctor may suggest a a daily hour's worth of walking when there may never been such an expectation before. Or a person may require this of him or herself, possibly in tandem with others at local health club. That can initially be very hard on a person.

In such instances, one may do everything which seems possible to comply with these prescriptions or expectations. But this may be more than is even close to feeling comfortable. In fact, it  may be felt to be all too much at the present moment. If so, the temptation  is to stop before the hour is up, possibly at the fifty minute point.

Is this objectively all that bad from a an overall weight loss perspective? Clearly, ten minutes less of exercise will hypothetically burn only fifty less calories. Furthermore, fifty minutes will have almost no less effect on one's entire sense of vitality than would sixty minutes. Strength and muscle development will be affected almost equally the same. Most would agree with all of these assertions.

How then can there really be cause for concern over over just a little less time today, especially when one fully expects to do the required amount tomorrow? The answer is simply that we tend to make the same allowances day after day until we stop the working out altogether. This is the way that we are as human beings; and that is why we should do the ten seemingly unimportant minutes more regardless of how we feel in the process. If we do not, stopping early may well happen over and over again.

We live in a more relaxed culture today than we did twenty years ago. Consequently, we tolerate minor deviations more today than we did back then. This is sometimes healthy when it in fact encourages a better performance tomorrow than was experienced today. But does this generally occur in actuality all that often? One must decide before settling for less than he or she is really capable of doing in the present moment.

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