Telltale Insomnia Signs

Jun 10


Bill Reyers

Bill Reyers

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One night of losing sleep does not need to be a problem but you should be aware of the symptoms of insomnia if you start to miss a lot of sleep.

Numerous individuals suffer from various sleep disorders. Sleep deprivation caused by insomnia is a specific problem for many. Insomnia symptoms include

· Difficulty first falling asleep.
· Frequently waking up during the night and experiencing difficulty falling back to sleep.
· Waking up earlier than intended in the morning.
· Feeling tired after waking up in the morning.
· Feeling sleepy during the day.
· Experiencing a continuous feeling of being tired.
· Irritability
· Difficulty concentrating or memory problems

Physicians further characterize insomnia as being primary or secondary. Persons suffering from the primary condition experience insomnia symptoms due to factors other than that of a health condition. Individuals suffering from the secondary condition experience insomnia due to factors directly related to a health problem or condition.

Insomnia is also further defined as being acute or chronic. In acute conditions,Telltale Insomnia Signs Articles individuals experience sleeplessness for only short periods of time. Those with chronic conditions have sleep pattern disturbances for at least three times a week lasting for a month or longer.

Factors that contribute to acute insomnia include

· Undergoing stress which can be from suffering a loss, an unexpected change or a difficult relationship.
· Various illnesses or health conditions
· Numerous environmental factors including light, noise or uncomfortable temperatures
· Various medications used to treat allergy, asthma, colds, depression and high blood pressure
· A change in daily routine due to travel or changing from a day to a night shift at work

Factors that contribute to chronic insomnia include

· Anxiety or depression
· Chronic stress
· Physical discomfort or pain

Individuals concerned about a sleep deficit should consult with a health care provider. An assessment including a physical examination, medical history, sleep patterns and history may provide clues as to the causes of sleep disturbance. Patients may keep a sleep journal describing specific sleep patterns and resulting symptoms experienced throughout the day. Significant others may also be asked to contribute observations related to sleep disturbances and subsequent behaviors. Sleep studies obtained in a medical setting, allow health care providers a first hand glimpse into actual behaviors and patterns.