The Advantages of Salt Water Swimming Pools

Apr 5


Aaliyah Arthur

Aaliyah Arthur

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Why are so many individuals choosing salt water swimming pools? There's many advantages!

Salt water pools have become a recent phenomenon that has many advantages including health benefits,The Advantages of Salt Water Swimming Pools Articles self-cleaning properties, and less expensive upkeep. If you've been used to the red eyes, itchy skin, and bleached hair that often results from regular exposure to chlorine, you'll be pleasantly surprised at the soft skin and hair plus the other added benefits that salt water causes.

Get Rid of Dangerous Chemicals

The days of storing chemicals like chlorine high in your garage where no little hands can reach it are over! Even though these salt water pools aren't chlorine free, they don't require the addition of chlorine chemicals. An electrolysis system converts some of the salt to chlorine in order to sanitize the pool and kill any algae, bacteria or viruses that could grow in dirty water. As far as cleaning goes, you'll only need to remove calcium buildup from off the sides every once in a while and test the water each week to make sure it's staying clean.

Spend Less Money on Swimming Pool Upkeep

A salt water pool will cost more at installation, but you'll quickly recoup the extra money as you spend less in care and swimming wear! When you chose chlorinated water, you constantly have to buy chemicals and spend time adding chemicals every week. You'll also spend more on swimwear since chlorine fades colors and easily stretches swimsuit material. With salt water systems, it will be years before you need to add more salt. And your bathing suits last a whole lot longer!

Keep Your Family and Friends Healthy

Wouldn't you love to trade red eyes, itchy skin and bleached hair for softer hair and skin along with eyes that won't be irritated by the water? Besides these comforts, salt water pools offer several other health advantages. Believe it or not, studies have tentatively concluded that swimming in salt water rather than chlorine greatly reduces a child's risk for asthma and possibly cancer.

Relax and Exercise in a Comfortable Environment

Salt water pools definitely appeal to the senses. Without the harsh smell of chlorine and the side effects of the chemicals, you can feel good about using your home swimming pool every day. And if some water gets splashed over the side, you don't have to worry since it actually benefits growing plants! Finally, at the end of your swim, there's no need to rush to the shower and rinse the chlorine from your hair and skin. Instead, allow the gentle salt water to continue its softening effect!

If you're looking to purchase a new swimming pool for your backyard, you can't go wrong with a salt water option. And if you have one of the millions of chlorine pools in the world today, you should probably consider switching to salt water, especially if you're sensitive to chlorine and other harsh chemicals. Currently the price for installing a salt water system is about $1,000 or so. Even though that may seem high in the beginning, it's well worth the extra expense!