International Fellowship of Christians and Jews: Review (2024)

May 18


Jane Scaplen

Jane Scaplen

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The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) is a non-profit organization founded in 1983 by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein. It aims to foster understanding and cooperation between Jews and Christians, as well as to provide humanitarian aid and support to Jews in need around the world.

International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Review 

What is the mission of the IFCJ?

The mission of the IFCJ is to promote solidarity and partnership between Christians and Jews,International Fellowship of Christians and Jews: Review (2024) Articles to build bridges of understanding, and to provide practical assistance to Jews in need, including Holocaust survivors, impoverished families, and victims of anti-Semitism.

How does the IFCJ provide assistance to Jews in need?

The IFCJ provides various forms of humanitarian aid, including food, housing assistance, medical care, and social services to Jews in need around the world. They also support programs aimed at strengthening Jewish communities and preserving Jewish heritage.

How does the IFCJ foster understanding between Christians and Jews?

Through educational initiatives, interfaith dialogue, and cultural exchange programs, the IFCJ works to promote mutual respect, cooperation, and understanding between Christians and Jews. They organize events, conferences, and outreach programs to facilitate meaningful interactions between members of both communities.

Is the IFCJ affiliated with any particular religious denomination?

No, the IFCJ is a non-denominational organization that welcomes support and participation from individuals and groups of all religious backgrounds who share its commitment to humanitarianism, interfaith cooperation, and support for the Jewish people.

How can I get involved with the IFCJ or support its work?

There are several ways to get involved with the IFCJ, including making a donation, volunteering your time and skills, participating in fundraising events, or becoming an advocate for their mission in your community. You can visit their website or contact them directly for more information on how to get involved.

Is the IFCJ active internationally?

Yes, the IFCJ operates in multiple countries around the world, providing assistance to Jews in need wherever they may be. They have offices, partners, and programs in various regions, including North America, Europe, Israel, and the former Soviet Union.

How does the IFCJ ensure transparency and accountability in its operations?

The IFCJ is committed to transparency and accountability in all its activities. They adhere to strict financial and ethical standards, and their operations are subject to regular audits and oversight. They also provide regular updates and reports to donors and supporters on how their contributions are being used to make a difference.

Does the IFCJ work with other organizations or government agencies?

Yes, the IFCJ collaborates with a wide range of partners, including other non-profit organizations, government agencies, religious institutions, and community groups, to maximize its impact and reach. They believe in the importance of building partnerships and working together to address common challenges and achieve shared goals.

How can I learn more about the IFCJ and its work?

You can visit the IFCJ website, follow them on social media, sign up for their newsletter, or contact their offices directly to learn more about their mission, programs, and impact. They also regularly publish reports, articles, and other resources that provide insights into their work and the issues they address.

What does the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews do?

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is a charitable organization that provides humanitarian aid and support to Jews in need, as well as promoting understanding and cooperation between Christians and Jews.

Is International Fellowship of Christians and Jews a legitimate charity?

Yes, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is a legitimate charitable organization.

What is the salary of the CEO of International Fellowship of Christians and Jews?

Specific salary information for the CEO may not be readily available. Non-profit organizations typically disclose executive compensation in their financial reports or through public filings.

How efficient is the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews?

Efficiency can be evaluated through various metrics such as program expenses, fundraising costs, and transparency. It's advisable to review the organization's financial reports and evaluations by independent charity watchdogs for a comprehensive assessment.

How much of my donation goes to IFCJ?

The proportion of your donation that goes directly to IFCJ's programs and services versus administrative expenses and fundraising efforts should be disclosed in their financial reports.

What is the reputation of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews?

The reputation of IFCJ may vary depending on individual perspectives and experiences. It's helpful to research reviews, testimonials, and independent evaluations to gauge public perception.

What is the rating of the Fellowship of Christians and Jews?

Ratings for charitable organizations can be found from various watchdog groups such as Charity Navigator, GuideStar, or the Better Business Bureau. These ratings typically assess factors like financial health, accountability, and transparency.

How do I get off the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews mailing list?

You can typically unsubscribe from mailing lists by following instructions provided in the emails you receive, contacting the organization directly, or utilizing opt-out services if available.

Who runs the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews?

The leadership and governance structure of IFCJ should be outlined on their official website or in organizational documents. This may include information about the founder, board of directors, and executive team.

Can I give a gift to The Fellowship in honor/memory of a loved one?

Yes, many charitable organizations, including IFCJ, offer options to make donations in honor or memory of loved ones. This information should be available on their website or through their donation process.

Can I make an anonymous donation to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews?

Most charitable organizations provide options for donors to remain anonymous if desired. You can typically specify your preference when making a donation, or contact the organization to arrange for anonymity.