Postcards – Aim for Door and Wall Mindshare

Jul 25


Stan Coyle

Stan Coyle

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Postcards, aim for door and wall mindshare means that you should create a postcard that your target consumers would proud to share and display on their walls, doors, refrigerator doors at their home.



Postcards, aim for door and wall mindshare means that you should create a postcard that your target consumers would proud to share and display on their walls,Postcards – Aim for Door and Wall Mindshare Articles doors, refrigerator doors at their home. If you want to create such designs then aim for walls and doors mindshare.

This is an effective way to promote your products and services through your target consumers. The image you want to print on the front of your postcard should be simple and attractive. It is seemed that bright colors postcards pull a better response rate than simple white and black postcards. So, it is not a good decision to save your money at this stage.

Create an image that can easily comprehended because you have only few seconds glance to appeal your target consumer – deciding to keep your postcard or throw it away. This is such a short time so be ready for this challenge and prove yourself with your creativity.

Consider the example of billboard – where billboard should get points across quickly because people are driving by at high speed rates. Your postcard should not only appeal your target consumers but it should be memorable.

So, next time when you are out and about, look at the different billboards. Advertisers pay enough money to put them up. It’s a good idea to pick a design and use them as a source of design.

Next, think about those billboards and ask few questions from yourself;

·         Which billboard is memorable?

·         Which is forgettable?

Try the same thing with advertising when you are in bus, train station or at airports. As a marketer, you may have often noticed that doing postcard marketing or any other marketing strategy your target consumers falls in the following groups;

Consumers – respond right away

Consumers – respond after few weeks, months and sometimes a year later.

You may get desired results from the consumer who responds you “right away” with your marketing activities.  The people who respond you a month or year later, has saved your postcards for future business.

Hope, now you will understand the basic idea behind keeping your postcards by your target consumers. If your consumers keep your postcards there is a possibility in future, they will consider your business products and services first when they need.

Thus, creating an effective postcard is very essential in postcard marketing. The printing service plays an important role in this regard because if your postcard is designed well but printing is poor then your target consumer will consider it as a junk mail. So, you should choose a reputable printing service as well.