A New Conversation About Dreams - The Power of Intention

May 3


Marcia Wieder

Marcia Wieder

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Exploring the transformative power of setting intentions to achieve dreams, this article delves into how intentions can guide our actions and shape our realities, offering a fresh perspective on pursuing personal aspirations.


The Essence of Intention in Achieving Dreams

Intention is more than just a wish; it is a purposeful plan that directs our mental and physical energies towards a specific goal. The concept of intention is rooted in the idea that our thoughts can shape our reality. According to a study by Dr. Wayne Dyer,A New Conversation About Dreams - The Power of Intention Articles when individuals set clear intentions, they are more likely to act in ways that align with their goals, thereby increasing the likelihood of achieving them.

The Impact of Intention on Daily Life

Setting intentions can profoundly impact our daily lives, influencing our decisions and behaviors. For instance, by setting an intention to be more present with family, one might consciously choose to put away electronic devices during family meals. This simple act can strengthen relationships and improve communication within the family unit.

Transforming Dreams into Reality

The journey from dreaming to achieving can be daunting. However, setting intentions acts as a roadmap, guiding us through the necessary steps towards realization. For example, Bessie, a 70-year-old woman, set an intention to become a world-renowned photographer. Despite skepticism about her age, she entered and won a photo contest with a $10,000 prize, and her winning photograph was featured in a global Kodak exhibit. Bessie’s story is a testament to the power of intentions in overcoming obstacles and realizing dreams.

Setting Intentions: A Practical Guide

To effectively set intentions, one must be clear and specific about what they want to achieve. Here’s a simple guide to get started:

  1. Identify Your Desire: Clearly define what you want to accomplish.
  2. Write It Down: Documenting your intention can help solidify it in your mind.
  3. Share Your Goal: Communicate your intention with someone who can offer support and accountability.
  4. Take Action: Perform an act that demonstrates your commitment to your intention.
  5. Reflect and Acknowledge: Recognize the steps you have taken and plan your next actions.

Everyday Intentions for Positive Change

  • Morning: Intend to have a productive or joyful day.
  • Leaving Home: Intend to spend quality time with loved ones.
  • Driving: Intend to have a safe journey.
  • At Work: Intend to learn something new or assist a colleague.
  • Meetings: Intend to contribute positively, whether through brilliance or calmness.

The Broader Implications of Intention

Beyond personal goals, intentions can be set for community and social issues, influencing broader change. For instance, intending to promote sustainability can lead to more eco-friendly practices in one’s daily life, contributing to environmental conservation.


Setting intentions is a powerful practice that can transform the way we approach our dreams and daily activities. By being intentional, we not only enhance our own lives but also contribute positively to our communities and the world at large. As we continue to navigate through uncertainties, the clarity provided by intentions can help us maintain focus and achieve the outcomes we desire.

By embracing the power of intention, we redefine what it means to be serious about our dreams, turning them from mere thoughts into achievable realities.

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