Dream Yourself to Success

May 3


Suzanne Morrison

Suzanne Morrison

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Unlock your potential by mastering the art of goal setting, transforming your dreams into achievable milestones. Learn how to overcome self-doubt and pave your way to success through practical, step-by-step strategies.


The Power of Goal Setting

Everyone has dreams of success,Dream Yourself to Success Articles whether it's financial prosperity, professional achievement, or personal satisfaction. However, for many, these dreams remain unfulfilled, overshadowed by the routine of daily life. The key to turning these dreams into reality lies in effective goal setting and overcoming the barriers of self-doubt.

Understanding the Impact of Negativity

Negativity often acts as a barrier to success. A study by the University of Scranton suggests that only 8% of people achieve their New Year's resolutions, largely due to negative beliefs like "It's too difficult" or "I can't do this" (University of Scranton Journal of Clinical Psychology). This mindset not only hampers personal growth but also stifles innovation.

Strategic Goal Setting

To combat negativity and set practical goals, try the following exercise:

  1. Immediate Goals: List what you know you can achieve.
  2. Short-term Goals: Identify what you might be able to achieve.
  3. Long-term Goals: Outline what seems impossible now.

By categorizing your goals, you can focus on immediate targets while gradually working towards more challenging aspirations.

Breaking Down Barriers

Once you have your goals set, the next step is to break them into manageable tasks. This method, often referred to as the "chunking" technique, helps in reducing the overwhelming nature of seemingly impossible goals. Here’s how you can approach it:

  • Start Small: Tackle your immediate goals first and mark them off as you achieve them.
  • Build Confidence: As you accomplish smaller goals, you gain the confidence to address more challenging ones.
  • Redefine Impossible: Gradually shift your long-term goals into your short-term plans as you grow.

This progressive approach not only keeps you motivated but also continuously stretches your capabilities.

The Role of Persistence and Hard Work

Echoing Thomas Edison's sentiment that genius is "1% inspiration and 99% perspiration," achieving your dreams requires consistent effort. It's about making incremental progress every day and staying committed to your vision. Persistence is crucial, as most accomplishments accrue from continuous hard work rather than sporadic bursts of effort.


Dreaming big is the first step towards achieving greatness, but the journey involves much more than just aspiration. By setting strategic goals, breaking them down into achievable tasks, and persistently working towards them, you can transform the impossible into the possible. Remember, every monumental achievement begins with the decision to try.

Harness the power of goal setting and start your journey towards success today. Don't let self-doubt hold you back. Think big, work hard, and watch as your dreams unfold into reality.

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