Life Success Strategies: What Are You Selecting?

May 3


Ken Donaldson

Ken Donaldson

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Summary: Discover how the choices you make shape your life, much like selecting areas in Photoshop® affects an image. This article explores the concept of "Select-ability Quotient" (SQ), which measures how wisely you make choices, and how these selections influence your life's trajectory. Learn to enhance your SQ by making more conscious decisions, thereby transforming your experiences and outcomes.


The Power of Choice in Shaping Your Life

Photoshop®,Life Success Strategies: What Are You Selecting? Articles a leading digital photography software, offers a plethora of features to modify images. For beginners and experts alike, understanding the tool's functionality can be a gateway to mastering visual creativity. One fundamental principle in Photoshop® is that only the selected areas of an image can be edited. This concept parallels an important life lesson: the choices you make directly influence your experiences and personal growth.

Understanding Select-ability Quotient (SQ)

The Select-ability Quotient (SQ) is a measure of how aware and deliberate you are with your choices. Improving your SQ involves being more intentional about what you choose to engage with, whether it's people, activities, or thoughts. Here are some ways to enhance your SQ:

  • Assertiveness: Learn to say no when necessary and be clear about your needs and desires.
  • Exploration: Try new activities like yoga, Tai Chi, or meditation, and attend different events such as poetry readings or art shows.
  • Social Choices: Spend time with people who positively influence you and seek out new social circles that might offer different perspectives and experiences.

The Impact of Choices on Personal Experience

Every selection you make—be it the company you keep, the places you visit, or the thoughts you entertain—shapes your life's narrative. For instance, consistently negative experiences in certain environments or with specific individuals might indicate a need to make different choices. By adjusting your selections, you can alter how you are affected by and interact with the world around you.

Case Study: The Psychological Impact of Choices

Research indicates that making conscious choices contributes to greater personal satisfaction and emotional well-being. A study by the American Psychological Association highlights that individuals who feel in control of their choices report higher happiness levels and lower stress.

The Tale of The Four Little Pigs: A Lesson in Boundaries

The story of The Three Little Pigs is well-known, but let's consider a variation: The Four Little Pigs. This version introduces a fourth pig who lives in a stone house without doors or windows. While this pig is safe from external threats, he is also isolated from beneficial interactions. This narrative extension serves as a metaphor for the types of boundaries one might set:

  • Permeable Boundaries: Like the straw and stick houses, too weak to offer protection.
  • Rigid Boundaries: Similar to a stone house without doors or windows, offering protection but at the cost of isolation.
  • Flexible and Firm Boundaries: Represented by the stone house with doors and windows, these boundaries are ideal as they protect while allowing healthy interactions.

Conducting a Boundary Inventory

Evaluating your personal boundaries is crucial for maintaining a balanced life. Consider how permeable or rigid your boundaries are and whether they effectively safeguard your well-being while allowing for enriching interactions.


Just as in Photoshop®, what you choose to select in life determines what you can influence and what influences you. By enhancing your Select-ability Quotient, you not only make more informed choices but also create a life that truly reflects your values and desires. Remember, it's not just about making different choices, but making choices that lead to a better, more fulfilling life.

For further reading on personal development and making effective life choices, consider visiting American Psychological Association and Psychology Today.

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