The Transformative Journey of Nick Williams: From Corporate to Creative

May 3


Damien Senn

Damien Senn

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Nick Williams' transition from a high-paying yet unfulfilling corporate job to founding his own business, Senn-Sational Limited, marks a profound shift towards a life of fulfillment and creativity. His book, 'The Work We Were Born To Do,' not only inspired him but also countless others to pursue their true calling. This journey highlights the transformative power of aligning one's career with their deeper purpose, leading to a life characterized by inspiration and service.


The Catalyst for Change

Leaving the Corporate World

DS: What inspired you to leave your corporate job in search of a more fulfilling life?

NW: The decision stemmed from a deep dissatisfaction and a yearning for meaning beyond the financial rewards of my corporate role. I was involved in selling computers to Japanese banks—a well-compensated position but one that lacked personal significance for me. I knew I wasn’t meant to sell computers. I felt a strong pull towards teaching,The Transformative Journey of Nick Williams: From Corporate to Creative Articles inspiring, and serving others, though I initially had no clear path on how to achieve this.

Overcoming Fear and Doubt

DS: Did you experience any fear around making this decision or did it come very naturally to you?

NW: The transition was fraught with fear and uncertainty. My confidence was minimal, but a small part of me was inspired and believed in the possibility of a more fulfilling life. This sliver of hope was enough to propel me forward. Over time, I learned that my greatest resistances often pointed me towards my true path. Embracing boldness brought unexpected rewards and opportunities.

Defining "The Work We Were Born To Do"

DS: What exactly is the 'Work We Were Born to Do'?

NW: It's about discovering and embracing our natural talents and potential to make a meaningful contribution to the world. This work is not just a career but a spiritual calling that aligns with our deepest selves. Everyone has a unique purpose and potential, encoded within them from birth, and my passion lies in helping people uncover and live out this purpose.

Proudest Achievements

DS: What is the piece of work that you've carried out that makes you most proud?

NW: Writing my first book, 'The Work We Were Born To Do,' was a significant achievement. Despite numerous doubts, I managed to complete and publish it, and it has since touched thousands of lives, encouraging others to find joy and fulfillment in their work. The book's success has opened doors to global opportunities, allowing me to connect with like-minded individuals worldwide.

Building the Dreambuilders Community

DS: Dreambuilders is a fascinating community that yourself and Barbara Winters established. Tell me a little more about it?

NW: Dreambuilders was born from the recognition that finding one's true work often leads to entrepreneurship. Barbara Winter, author of 'Making A Living Without A Job' and I, saw the need for a supportive community for those transitioning from traditional employment to owning their businesses. The community provides resources, support, and inspiration for people to build their dreams without feeling isolated.

Global Inspirations and Future Aspirations

DS: Your work has taken you all over the world, where has been your favourite place?

NW: Traveling is a blessing, and while I cherish many places, Kauai and Africa hold special places in my heart. Both locations offer unique cultural and spiritual experiences that have deeply influenced my work and perspective.

DS: What challenges lie ahead for you?

NW: I am continually inspired to expand 'The Work We Were Born To Do' into educational systems and to grow the Dreambuilders Community. Additionally, we are developing Dreambuilders University to provide courses that equip people with the knowledge and skills to realize their dreams.

DS: Do you think anyone can live an inspired life?

NW: Absolutely. Inspiration is an expression of our inner spirit, and since everyone has a spirit, everyone has the potential for an inspired life. My latest book, 'How to Be Inspired,' is dedicated to teaching people how to access and sustain inspiration to enhance their emotional and spiritual well-being.

Nick Williams' journey and insights underscore the profound impact of pursuing work that resonates with one's soul. His experiences and the communities he has helped foster serve as a testament to the transformative power of following one's heart and living a life of purpose and inspiration.