Unveiling Your Innate "Success Instinct"

May 3


Rhoberta Shaler

Rhoberta Shaler

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Discover the fascinating concept of the "success instinct," a natural mechanism that drives both animals and humans towards achieving their goals. Just as a squirrel instinctively gathers and stores nuts without prior experience of winter, humans possess an internal guidance system that aids in goal realization. This article delves into the nature of this instinct, its implications, and how you can harness it to foster personal and professional growth.


The Natural Blueprint for Success

Instinctual Behaviors in Animals

Animals exhibit a range of instinctual behaviors that ensure their survival and reproductive success. For instance,Unveiling Your Innate consider the meticulous nest-building of birds or the untaught migration patterns that lead them back to precise locations annually. These instincts are not learned but are encoded in their DNA, enabling them to adapt and thrive in their environments.

Human Success Instincts

Humans, while more complex, also share this fundamental success instinct. Unlike animals, whose goals are genetically pre-determined, humans can set personal and unique objectives. This flexibility stems from our advanced cognitive abilities and creative imagination, allowing for limitless possibilities in achieving success.

Understanding Your Internal Servo-Mechanism

The Concept of the Servo-Mechanism

Maxwell Maltz, in his seminal work, described the human brain and nervous system as a servo-mechanism similar to electronic computers or goal-seeking devices. This system functions automatically to achieve set goals, akin to how a missile adjusts its path to hit a target. The servo-mechanism in humans operates on two levels:

  1. Goal Achievement: When the goal is known, the mechanism guides actions towards achieving it.
  2. Goal Discovery: When the goal is unclear, it aids in exploring and identifying objectives.

The Power of Positive Affirmations

The story of the "Little Engine That Could" exemplifies the impact of positive affirmations on this servo-mechanism. By affirming "I think I can," the engine successfully overcame obstacles, illustrating how mindset can influence outcomes. Conversely, negative thoughts can hinder progress, demonstrating the importance of consciously directing this internal mechanism.

Harnessing Your Success Instinct

To effectively utilize your success instinct, consider the following strategies:

  • Set Clear Goals: Define what success means to you and set specific, measurable objectives.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Regularly affirm your abilities and visualize achieving your goals to reinforce your success instinct.
  • Learn from Errors: Embrace mistakes as opportunities for learning and refining your approach.
  • Continuous Adjustment: Like any sophisticated system, regular updates and adjustments are crucial to staying on course.


Your innate "success instinct" is a powerful tool that, when properly harnessed, can lead to remarkable achievements. By understanding and directing this internal mechanism, you can enhance your ability to achieve personal and professional goals. Remember, the key to activating and benefiting from this instinct lies in recognizing its presence and potential in your daily life.

Keep these insights in mind as you pursue your aspirations, and watch as your natural success instinct guides you towards fulfillment and success.